Ran Prieur

"The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed."

- Terence McKenna

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January 19. Sarah Perry is one of the smartest people on the internet. She blogs as Sister Y on The View From Hell, as birguslatro on Carcinisation, and she recently had a great piece on Ribbonfarm, Ritual and the Consciousness Monoculture. It's about how culture shapes human consciousness, and argues that what modern people think of as normal consciousness "is novel, contagious, and perhaps detrimental to human flourishing compared with more evolutionarily tested forms of consciousness running on the same hardware."

The features of modern "scholastic-industrial consciousness" include literacy, precise universal time, fixed sense of identity, and seeking meaning of life through the self. The worst thing is that we have developed a "watcher at the gates of the mind" which censors our ability to be creative and have fun. This watcher seems to live in our prefrontal cortex, and there are various ways to get around it, including meditation, drugs, and rhythmic group rituals.

The comments section is also good, including a very optimistic speculation by Ribbonfarm lead blogger Venkat, that "we're at the beginning of a new Cambrian explosion of consciousness-variety."

On a related subject, the 2015 Edge.org question is out. Every year they ask one big question to a bunch of prominent brainy people, and this year's question is "What do you think about machines that think?" There's so much dumb stuff here that I can't bring myself to read every answer like I normally do, but I think the best answers are the ones that deny the framing of the question, like this short one by Arnold Trehub:

Machines (humanly constructed artifacts) cannot think because no machine has a point of view; that is, a unique perspective on the worldly referents of its internal symbolic logic. We, as conscious cognitive observers, look at the output of so-called "thinking machines" and provide our own referents to the symbolic structures spouted by the machine. Of course, despite this limitation, such non-thinking machines have provided an extremely important adjunct to human thought.

January 16. I really want to move on but I keep getting new insights on this subject. First, Kevin makes an important point about protests: in America and other elite nations, governments can ignore protests because they're not being backed up by anyone with power. This is not the case in the rest of the world, where protests are often backed up or sponsored by elite nations.

Next, this long reddit comment by an Arab from a Muslim family explains how extremism comes from a synergy between Islamic religion and Arab culture, specifically their idea of "honor". That's an English word but it's probably an untranslatable concept that comes from really nasty patriarchal tribes.

The problem with understanding international Islam today is to understand that the Arab world is still, largely, few centuries backwards in its way of thinking, yet this same Arab world clings to the leadership role of explaining and guiding Islam around the world. In the Arab world of today, Human life is still easy to waste for the silliest reasons, from a girl losing her virginity then murdered by her brothers all the way up to what just saw unfold in France, they stem from the same deadly formula; a skewed understanding of a tribal honor system and a religion which makes it easier to say "fuck it all."

On a tangential subject, after an email conversation with Dermot I suddenly realized something that might be obvious to most of you: being offended is all about status. It's one thing if someone insults you and you feel bad, and another thing to stand up and say "I am offended." That's a card people play on a social-political level. Typically it's someone with medium to low status temporarily getting the drop on someone with higher status who has disrespected them in a way that society has declared inappropriate. You have to have some status to play the card, which is why homeless people are never offended, and you have to feel the need for higher status to want to play it, which is why billionaires are never offended. It's a middle class thing, and the people who get offended the most are the ones who feel most insecure about their status and have to keep proving it. Now that I understand this, I can see the hidden context of all these arguments about double standards for offensive cartoons.

At last, some fun for the weekend. As I get older my interests are shifting from politics to sports, because if I'm going to follow a spectacle, then sports are less scripted than politics, more transparent, and honest about the fact that I have no power. Anyway, here's a fascinating post about Peyton Manning's injury, arguing that he changed his throwing mechanics after shoulder surgery to draw power from his thigh muscles, which are now totally shot from overuse, and his playing career is probably over.

And a Mind-Blowing Six Song Country Mashup, which manages to make fun of the extreme similarity of recent country hits, while still being good music through the skill of the mashup artist. And here's an example of what country music had and lost, Willie Nelson - Can I Sleep In Your Arms.

January 14. I have another thought on the whole Charlie Hebdo thing. Pundits have been arguing that it was or was not about free speech, and I've just realized that it's totally about free speech, but not in the way people are thinking. In the western liberal view, free speech is a moral issue, so a culture with free speech is morally superior and more democratic. I think a culture with free speech is strategically superior, and arguably less democratic.

Whenever there's a protest in a non-western nation, and the rulers violently crack down, I always wonder: why don't they just ignore the protest like they do in America? One possible answer is that there's a cultural difference: in primitive authoritarian cultures, the state is viewed like a strict-father family, where if the children talk back to the father, he has to beat them or he loses all respect. So in Syria, if Assad ignores a protest, it's a sign of weakness, which encourages more and more dissent until he's thrown out of power. But in advanced authoritarian cultures, if the rulers ignore a protest, it's sign of strength, that their power does not depend on your opinion, and the protesters eventually give up and go home.

My college history professor told an anecdote about Frederick II of Prussia. He came upon an ugly caricature of himself that someone had set up in the street, but someone else had knocked it down. Frederick set it back up and said, "I let them say what they want, and they let me do what I want." Whether or not this actually happened, the message is that tolerating symbolic dissent was a new idea, and an upgrade. If a nation or culture can build a tradition of being unshaken by symbolic expression, then it is stronger defensively against internal criticism, and stronger offensively (pun intended) against competing cultures that are still vulnerable to symbolic expression. So free speech is not a delicate flower that we must protect -- it is a rising ocean in which everything must eventually swim.

Footnote: if people don't have enough food, protesters will not go home and the government cannot ignore them, and this is going to happen a lot in the next few decades. Tragically, hungry protesters tend to believe they're angry about some silly idea and not about lack of food.

January 12. A few more thoughts on Friday's subject. Two of the big framing narratives are to view the killers as criminals driven by mental illness, and to view them as operatives of Islam. I'm interested in where these stories intersect: Islam is serving as a catalyst to inspire terrible people to do terrible things. Now, I think resisting the economic domination of the west would be a good thing. But the Charlie Hebdo massacre is an attempt to impose domination. It's a petulant, authoritarian act. If you know Game of Thrones, Islam wants to encourage people like Rob Stark and instead it's encouraging people like Joffrey. How embarrassing!

It's like cultures and ideologies have resonant frequencies that increase the vibration of certain personality types. If my own writing were music, I've changed it over time to be less like metal and more like jazz, because I don't want to wake up and find out that some sullen fuckup has killed a bunch of people while quoting one of my essays. But it's a lot harder to change a whole religion. And as the global economy collapses, there will be even more demand for stories that make clumsy violence feel heroic. So not only do I not expect Islam to change, I fear that it will be left in the dust by competing ideologies that are equally angry and humorless, and more in tune with the 21st century.

Also, here's a comment by Slavoj Zizek. After spending an hour trying to understand it, I think he's saying that the dominant left is stupid because it only stands for bland comfort, Muslim fundamentalists are stupid because they secretly envy the western lifestyle, and we need a radical left that stands for freedom and equality in a way that feels exciting.

Brief new subject: a few years ago I wrote that, in the public discussion of climate change, nobody is talking about leaving oil in the ground. Well, now they're talking about it! From the Guardian: Leave fossil fuels buried to prevent climate change, study urges. And from FiveThirtyEight, How much fuel we need to leave buried to beat climate change. The answer, of course, is way more fuel than politically possible. But maybe it's becoming possible to not burn all of it.

January 9. This week's big news was the mass murder at the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo by people claiming to represent Islam. Here's a good commentary with some humor: Norway's Christians didn't have to apologise for Anders Breivik, and it's the same for Muslims now. Anders Breivik is probably the right comparison here: unhinged losers seeking glory, rather than an international conspiracy. But if you want to credit the killers with some savvy, this short piece in the Telegraph suggests that they were not actually offended by the Muhammad cartoons, but were making a calculated strategic move to turn the world against moderate Muslims, who will then be driven to extremism.

I don't use the word "terrorist". It's a propaganda word, value-loaded and poorly defined, which leads to sloppy thinking. I prefer to call these people fanatical ideologues. They have overreacted to the meaninglessness of modern life by finding meaning in a very simple story of absolute good versus absolute evil, which justifies exciting and extremely selfish actions. And if they can get other people to join them in the same story and similar actions, then their lives feel even more meaningful. Worst case, you get a popular war with millions of people on both sides who see the other side as cartoon villains, and a lot of really stupid murders.

I think there's an antidote to this, and it's not love. Fanatical ideologues feel strong love for whatever is at the center of their value system, and they might even tell you that love is their primary motivation. What these people are missing is the ability to have fun, to let go, to be playful. If you really know how to have fun, then the moments of your life feel meaningful without having to tell some grand story to make yourself important. And if, within a culture, there are too many people who don't know how to have fun, it's like a dry forest that only needs one spark to go up in flames.

This subject reminds me of the thing that turned me away from the critique of civilization: the novel The Day Philosophy Dies. It's the meanest thing I've ever read, about badly damaged angry people who bring down civilization like it's some kind of grim and stressful duty. I didn't want to keep feeding an idea that could feed that kind of emotional state. But if there's a way to crash the system by accident, while having fun, I might be on board with it.

January 7. Here's something you don't see every day, a critique of left-wing academic culture from the left. It's titled "Able-bodied until it kills us" but I would title it Disability as class power. The idea is, when dust makes poor people sneeze, they have to tough it out, but when dust makes rich people sneeze, they can get diagnosed with an allergy and make everyone take it seriously so they don't have to do any work. There are even students who can get ordinary bad writing diagnosed as dyslexia so they can still get good grades. On "ableism":

If ability is now cast as an unfair advantage, then what is the qualification for academic and professional employment beyond a background of wealth and privilege? When rewarding students on the basis of "ability" is reconceived as a form of oppression, then the only mechanism that prevents the academy from being purely an instrument of class reproduction is made taboo.

By the way, I avoid the word "privilege" because there's usually a hidden meaning that doesn't make any sense: "You should be grateful for this thing that has made you stupid." The deeper problem with the word is that it blurs together two things that are nearly opposite. One is something that is good for you, something that everyone should have but not everyone does, like world travel or a healthy diet or not being harassed by cops. The other is something that no one should have because it's bad for everyone, like being able to command others without their consent, or being protected from the consequences of your own selfishness.

Of course, in a society with entrenched social class, higher class people have no idea that they're being selfish and being protected from the consequences. The way to fix this is not to make them feel guilty for an advantage that's never clearly explained, but to change the system so that lower class people (including nonhumans) are permitted to push back.

January 5. Thanks Gannon for sending this strange essay on cryptoforestry. The style reminds me of Fredy Perlman and Crimethinc:

Cryptoforests are sideways glances at post-crash landscapes, diagrammatic enclaves through which future forest cities reveal their first shadows, laboratories for dada-do-nothingness, wild-type vegetable free states, enigma machines of uncivilized imagination, psychogeographical camera obscuras of primal fear and wanton desire, relay stations of lost ecological and psychological states. Cryptoforests are wild weed-systems, but wildness is equated not with chaos but with productiveness at a non-human level of organization.

Related: a reader and some friends have a new online magazine called the FC journal, with stuff about deep ecology and critiques of modernity.

Also related (thanks Alex): Is depression a kind of allergic reaction? Evidence suggests that depression is more physical than psychological, and that it could be caused by inflammation -- and inflammation can be caused by many things including some features of modern life: trans fats, sugar, stress, and social isolation.

January 2, 2015. Music for the weekend! Leigh Ann has made her best of 2014 playlist. It's around 70 minutes, and 17 songs: 1) Eagulls - Possessed, 2) Moon Hooch - Bari 3, 3) Your Friend - Tame One, 4) The Wytches - Carnival Law, 5) Fujiya and Miyagi - Artificial Sweeteners, 6) Swans - Screen Shot, 7) Kasabian - Bumblebeee, 8) Cult of Youth - Empty Faction, 9) Jungle - The Heat, 10) The Shaolin Afronauts - Lagos Chase, 11) Lisa Gerrard - Adrift, 12) To Rococo Rot - Classify, 13) Ought - Pleasant Heart, 14) Tobacco - Father Sister Berzerker, 15) Demob Happy - Succubus, 16) Girl Band - Lawman, 17) Timber Timbre - This Low Commotion. I've added YouTube links for my favorites.

Also there's some great stuff on this page: 20 essential psych albums of 2014. Leigh Ann wanted to put Lay Llamas and Wreaths on her playlist but it would have been too long.

Finally, thanks Mind Over Media for a $30 donation, and here's another video I made for my favorite band, a spooky trip-folk song from 2013: The Mirror Like Sea.

December 31. Three biology links. What if obesity is nobody's fault? This is one of my favorite subjects because I've always been skinny without even trying, while other people fight hard to lose weight and are still fat. It's like the popular idea is exactly backwards, and being fit is correlated with using less willpower. Anyway, in a new study, two groups of mice ate the same, exercised the same, and even pooped the same, but a genetic difference made one group fat. They still don't know how to reconcile this with the laws of thermodynamics. [Update: I've had several emails from readers who think they know more about biology than the researchers in this study and the answer is easy. Maybe they're right but I'm not qualified to judge this.]

The benefits of being cold. This doesn't explain the mice, but there is evidence that "obesity is only in small part due to lack of exercise, and mostly due to a combination of chronic overnutrition and chronic warmth."

Why broken sleep is a golden time for creativity. It's about how we used to go to bed early and have two sleeps separated by doing fun stuff in the middle of the night, and electric light has tricked us into staying up late and having one big sleep which is not as good for us.

New subject: The other day there was a subreddit post arguing that homelessness and unemployment make us unhappy because of a social stigma, which is there to prop up the economy. And there are several good comments.

December 29. The last Monday of every month is Finger Pointing Day, when I bunch all the negative links so I can stay out of that mindset the rest of the month.

The Unidentified Queen of Torture. Most of the article is behind a paywall but you can get around it in many browsers by right-clicking the link and opening it in a private window. The big media will not identify her, but this wikipedia article does: Alfreda Frances Bikowsky.

A study confirms something completely obvious: A bad job is harder on your mental health than unemployment.

Toys are more divided by gender now than they were 50 years ago. Related anecdote: Leigh Ann and I were in Seattle for Thanksgiving and she was looking for a coloring book to keep her occupied on the long drive home. Almost every book was either Disney princesses or male action characters. She finally found one with animals, but they were zoo animals. Welcome to the human zoo, kids!

Because of traffic congestion, London cars move no faster than chickens, or about the same speed as horse-drawn carriages. Thanks Jack for the link, and here's something related that I've posted many times: Ivan Illich's critique of cars.

Related: a redditor bashes the libertarian dream of private roads, using his experience in the logging industry to explain why private roads on private land are a logistical nightmare.

Finally, from Cracked.com, Five creepy ways your town is designed to control your mind, including the constant feeling of surveillance, benches that don't allow relaxation or fun, how the suburbs force you to have a car, how shopping environments confuse you into buying stuff you don't need, and how urban planning segregates us by race and class.

December 26. I'm still on vacation from original thoughts, but here are three links about practical politics. Global Guerrillas has a lot of good stuff this month, including posts on how an open source insurgency can take down Uber, why the Sony hack worked, corporate disruption using Snowden style moral warfare, and drones dropping caltrops.

Earlier this month I posted two links about how modern police are unnecessary and historically strange, and here's another good one on the same subject, Origins of the police, arguing that "the ruling elites who invented the police were responding to challenges posed by collective action", not to crime.

And a nice article about squatters in Detroit.

December 24. As usual for Christmas, I'm posting my favorite funny Christmas song, The Abominable O Holy Night. Also here's a video by the singer, Steve Mauldin, proving that he sang the original and then singing it again.

And my favorite serious Christmas song, Alex Chilton's Jesus Christ.

December 22. Two happy psychology links. Addiction study shows mindfulness intervention boosts brain activation for healthy pleasures. Basically, noticing and appreciating life's little pleasures is a learned skill, and learning it makes you resistant to drug addiction.

How deprogramming kids from how to do school could improve learning. It's about a teacher who made several helpful changes, including more collaboration and allowing students to keep trying until they master the material.

And this week's PostSecret has lots of good Christmas-themed stuff.

December 19. It's not uncommon for me to check email in the morning and find that two readers have sent me links. Yesterday it was the same link: The Toxoplasma Of Rage. It's about how the biggest news stories are the ones that divide us the most, and also about PETA's strategy to enrage people to get attention, and about reblogging wars on Tumblr. The author uses a metaphor of parasitic disease to talk about how people get worked up over opposing ideologies. One thing I would add is that the big goal of activists and journalists, "raising awareness", doesn't even work. We already have too much awareness and too little power, so when the nation gets perfectly divided over some police shooting, it's like two sides of a football stadium cheering for different teams, and none of us are allowed on the field.

And something fun for the weekend. Existential Comics is an internet comic strip about philosophical subjects, and last week's strip, Candyland and the Nature of the Absurd, is really good. By the way, the guy who sent me the link is named Aristotle.

December 17. I seem to be taking a break from heavy thinking. Here's a new article, Policing is a dirty job, but nobody's gotta do it: 6 ideas for a cop-free world. And a 2001 article that goes into much more detail on the invention of modern police, Are cops constitutional?

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