Songs and Playlists



YouTube playlist
Not On Spotify

Spotify playlists

under two hours:

Soft 70s 1: Sky High
Soft 70s 2: Reminiscing

Early 80s 1: Telegraph
Early 80s 2: Bang Yr Head

1985-1993 Indie Rock

1990s 1: Woe
1990s 2: What's Up?

2000s 1: Let's Get Out
2000s 2: The Funeral

2010s 1: Summer Smog
2010s 2: Fan the Flames

Dregs of Spotify Psychedelic Instrumentals
Classic Rock Deep Tracks R.E.M. Deep Tracks
Prog Rock sampler
Disco sampler
Gordon Lightfoot
Tom Waits

over three hours:

Classic Rock 100
One Song Per Year

music blog
January 28, 2025. Added the song Fly, by J.K. and Co., to Forever. It was recorded by teenagers in 1968, and sounds a lot like Radiohead and Rufus Wainwright.

December 21, 2024. New playlist, Classic Rock 100. I didn't call it "Top 100", because I decided to have no overlap with my other playlists, and some of the best songs are in my Early 80s lists. This is my only playlist that's slanted toward popularity. I'll definitely keep making changes.

December 21, 2024. Renamed all my decades playlists to remove "vol", and to more accurately name 1970s as "Soft 70s" and 1980s as "Early 80s". Added titles to all four 2000s and 2010s playlists. Renamed 70s 3 to 70s 2, and deleted 70s 2, so I could fold many of the songs into Classic Rock 100.

November 24, 2024. Forever is my new funeral playlist. Most of the songs are just personal favorites that would fit at a funeral or wake, but there are some objectively great funeral songs, like Nick Drake's Saturday Sun and The Kinks' Strangers.

October 2024. New playlist, One Song Per Year. It's not exactly my favorite song for each year (which is at the bottom of this page) because I subbed out some songs that are not on Spotify, and a few times I put in a softer song for smoother transitions.

September 2024. New playlist, 2000s vol 2. I've had this on the back burner, and was inspired to finish it when I noticed that my favorite song of 2006, Band of Horses - The Funeral, was not yet playlisted. It starts with some songs about death and suicide, and shifts awkwardly from folk to post-punk. I stretched it to 2011 so I could put two very similar songs back to back: The Twilight Sad - And She Would Darken The Memory, and S.C.U.M - Whitechapel.

September 2024. On the Psychedelic Instrumentals playlist, I've just removed Colin Stetson - Spindrift, and Satwa - Valsa dos Cogumelos, an incredible obscurity that didn't quite fit, and added Lullatone - Driving Home with a Towel on the Seat, and Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station, which I probably excluded before for being too popular. Now the progression of sounds is much smoother.

August 2024. Finally did a bunch of listening and condensed Tom Waits into two hours. As a stylist, he didn't become interesting until Swordfishtrombones in 1983, but he was always a great singer-songwriter, and I gave a lot of minutes to his early ballads.

August 2024. My 2010s playlist was long, disjointed, and missing too many good songs. So I moved the loudest songs plus the new stuff to a new playlist, 2010s vol 2.

August 2024. Revised my Not On Spotify playlist to include the heaviest hitters, and put it on YouTube. It has 14 songs, of which 11 are American and 3 are Australian. Half of the videos are ones I made myself.

July 2024. New playlist, R.E.M. Deep Tracks. This is basically just my favorite REM songs. To justify the title, my constraint was to not use any song that made the Billboard Hot 100, and the only song I had to sacrifice was Southern Central Rain.

Top Songs (obscure)
Big Blood - Song For Baltimore (2007)
In the first YouTube video of this song, a comment described it as a tragedy. The tones are so intense, someone could think that, but this is the happiest song of all time. This is incomprensible hippie Cthulhu levels of happiness. The first time I heard it, I didn't know my ears could do that. You might think it's bad singing, because what notes even are those? It turns out, they're the exact pitch and timbre to split my head.

On the lyrics, from my Big Blood page:
They might be about the ecstasy of ego loss in intense social experiences (some things wash away, so you're one thing) or meditation (the choice, every part of this groove is quiet). But I think they're about a well-lived life (greet more friends, bearing the weight of themselves lightly) and its metaphysical context (the bright is all the more beautiful, the spirit risen in sequence). Life begins when a spark of the divine is fixed in space and time (so you're one thing, right in this vicinity) and it ends with a reopening (windows, curtains) and dissolving of the self. The loudest word in the song is "quiet", and at the end the vocals fade under a riff like a cosmic processional. The final words: "And I'm holy."
Hana Zara - You Burnt the Toast (2013)
Hana Zara is a currently active folk singer who at least three times has knocked a song out of the park. Little Doll (2012), Hooray Hoorah (2017), and this masterpiece about the beauty of small moments. No other song does so much with so little.
Wireheads - Holiday (2014)
As raw as Beat Happening and as heavy as Hawkwind, this is the best space rock song of all time. With the whale-like interlude, and the theme of reaching toward the light, it reminds me of Pink Floyd's Echoes. Images in the video are mostly from the Danbooru anime image board. From the same country in the same year:
Doctopus - Wobbegong (2014)
This modest garage rock romp ticks all the boxes for greatest of all time. It's raw, it's luminous, it's transcendent, and it keeps sounding better.
Life Without Buildings - Let's Get Out (2001)
From my albums page: Four Glasgow artists formed a band on a lark, made one album, and went on with their lives. Sue Tompkins' vocals are from another planet, feral and stuttery, seemingly improvised -- and yet, in live performances the songs are basically the same. And if you listen closely, her vocals are in sync with equally complex math rock. I've never heard anything so chaotic and so ordered. This is as brain-stretching as jazz and as blood-pounding as metal.

This song, on the surface, is about a missed phone connection. But it's also an intensely spiritual song about being alive, and I wonder if it inspired the band name, because who needs buildings? "Look around, information, in the leaves." It's about being flesh in the world with its flaws: "I'm a visitor here" and "I still believe in getting low." It's about the tension between regret and the preciousness of all experience: "Look back and say that I didn't!"
Pretty & Twisted - Souvenir (1995)
Concrete Blonde's 1990 hit Joey was written by Johnette Napolitano about Marc Moreland, best known as the guitar player for Wall of Voodoo. Moreland died of liver failure in 2002, probably inspiring Napolitano's 2003 song Suicide Note.

In 1995, they collaborated on a one-shot album called Pretty & Twisted. It's been almost forgotten, but it's quite good, and it contains this incredible song of doomed love, with some of the heaviest vocals ever. Play it loud. It suffers from a hurried fade-out, but that's just what the song is about: "I don't want to see you fade away."
Big Star - Kangaroo (1974)
Like Souvenir, Kangaroo is a love song where the subject of the song participated in the recording. Alex Chilton went into the studio late one night with his girlfriend, Lesa Aldridge, and she recorded while he played a 12-string and sang. The raw recording has a title I like better: Like St Joan, and this page has more details. The rhythm is loose, and being on one track, the sounds could not be separated. Chilton gave it to the producer, Jim Dickinson, and said "produce it".

This is one of the best produced songs of all time. Dickinson played every other instrument: mellotron, guitar feedback, bass and drums; and laid them down meticulously, filling the spaces around Chilton's dissipated strumming. There's no rhythm section! Even the drums are played as a lead instrument, and the cowbell in the final verse is a work of art. Chilton does everything he can to make it sound sad, but the lyrics are completely happy, filthy and triumphant. "We looked very fine as we were leaving."
The Kill Devil Hills - Lucy-On-All-Fours (2009)
This dreamy ballad has the best lyrics of the 21st century. At first I thought it was about heroin. Now I think it's about God: a feminine primal representation of the otherworldly that we yearn for. This is the same kind of song as Bob Dylan's Visions of Johanna.
Petite League - Echo (2021)
Pure bliss, the song of the decade so far.
Belle & Sebastian - The Rollercoaster Ride (1998)
The one song guaranteed to make me cry. It reminds me a lot of Nick Drake's Saturday Sun.
Hawkwind - Space Is Deep (1972)
From the album that invented space rock, with Lemmy on bass, and the vocals are just a teaser for the jam that follows. This is flat-out the best crescendo in rock. Wait for the change at 3:26 and revel in the keyboards.
Orphans & Vandals - Argyle Square (2009)
A project of singer-songwriter Al Joshua, this band made one great album of Dickensian chamber rock. The other two major songs are about a suicide and a murder, but this one is about the joy of urban life.
Ladytron - International Dateline (doom edit) (2005)
My own edit, slowed to half speed plus distortion. Images are mostly from the Imaginary Colorscapes subreddit.

Top Ten (popular)
Blondie - Dreaming (1979)
My theme song, and Clem Burke's drumming is magnificent.
Coldplay - Yellow (2000)
Yellow is the color of the sun. It's the color of warm light. In the context of this song, it's a wild card for feeling that good about something. "Skin and bones" could be anything with substance and form, inner and outer. This is the perfect love song, because whoever or whatever you love, it fits. Churches could sing this about God. For me it's about being alive in this world. "So then I took my turn. Oh what a thing to have done."
Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight (1976)
A lot of people hate this song, because if you view music as a cultural signifier, it represents the sappy culture of the 1970s. But when I use my actual ears, these are the tightest and must luminous harmonies I've ever heard. This would be the first song on my "aliens please don't kill us" playlist.
Kirsty MacColl - They Don't Know (1979)
Not a hit, as it was relased during a trucker's strike and the records weren't delivered. But it got a ton of airplay in the UK, and later Tracey Ullman had a popular cover that's basically a tribute, with the peak of the song, "Bayyyby", still MacColl singing.
Crystal Gayle - Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue (1977)
Crystal Gayle is my favorite singer of the 70s. Karen Carpenter has more depth, but the vibrato in this song is like the wings of birds. Because the regular keyboardist was sick, they brought in Hargus "Pig" Robbins, who made up this classic riff on the spot. On the first take, live in studio, they laid down a moonshot recording.
Juice Newton - Angel of the Morning (1981)
This is the kind of singing that hardly ever happens.
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You (1994)
Those were good times and this was the song, dreamy and yearning.
A Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song (1982)
The lyrics are short and perfect, especially the third line, "for a little while". And this solo invented post-rock.
Neil Diamond - Soolaimon (1970)
Neil Diamond's two best songs, this and Holly Holy, are both epically spiritual.
Altered Images - I Could Be Happy (1970)
I think it's about God: the experience of universal oneness, to which we will eventually return, but for now we're having fun in the physical world.

Not On Spotify Playlist
Notes on a few songs that are not mentioned elsewhere.
Joanna Newsom - En Gallop (2004)
See "Back In Flesh" below.
John Stewart - Lost Her In The Sun (1979)
I wish I wrote this.
Silver Summit - Child (2012)
This is what I'd want my band to sound like.
Wireheads - Sagan (2014)
I love this solo and I don't even know the name of the guitar player. Images are from two books of sci-fi art.

A Listening Autobiography
Box Tops - The Letter (1967)
The number one song when I was born.
Sesame Street - That's About the Size (1971)
This video blew my mind at age four, and it might be my biggest single influence.
Gordon Lightfoot - Don Quixote (1972)
On family trips my dad would play Gordon Lightfoot on the car stereo, and this was my favorite.
Blondie - Heart of Glass (1978)
The first song I really loved. At the time I was drawn to the vocal melody of the chorus, and now I admire the crystalline soundscape of echoey low notes and high vocals.
Men At Work - Down By The Sea (1982)
The first band I really got into, and back then I liked their hits, but now I think this was their one great song.
Blue Oyster Cult - Astronomy (live 1978)
At some point in high school I got into Blue Oyster Cult, and this song stood out, and still does, for its gothic poetry and hammering climax.
Dire Straits - Tunnel of Love (1980)
Their Making Movies album felt like higher quality music than I had previously been listening to, and I got even more into Love Over Gold. This song has an incredible guitar solo at the end.
Rush - No One At The Bridge (1975)
...but this guitar solo is the best, then and forever. I got obsessed with Rush around 1983 and bought all their albums.
Wall Of Voodoo - Back In Flesh (1981)
I listened heavily to their Call of the West album, but now this song from Dark Continent is my favorite, and it's oddly similar to Joanna Newsom's "En Gallop". They have the same theme, the conflict between the world of spirit and the money economy. They use the same uncommon meaning of the word "flesh" for how your body chains you to an unpleasant material world. And the riff near the beginning of "En Gallop" is almost the same riff that starts at 2:09.
Pink Floyd - Two Suns in the Sunset (1983)
It's too melodramatic for me now, but I listened so heavily to The Final Cut that I knew all the lyrics. The only Pink Floyd album I still listen to is Meddle.
Hawkwind - Motorway City (1980/1983)
My perennial second favorite band for 35 years. Now I like their heavier stuff, but this smooth and catchy song from their Zones album was an early favorite. See the Hawkwind section of my albums page.
R.E.M. - Wendell Gee (1985)
My hipper friends were already into R.E.M., but I didn't like them until I heard this, their dreamiest song.
Beat Happening - Indian Summer (1988)
In college in Seattle, I heard this song when Beat Happening opened for Billy Bragg and was hooked. It sounds good in a way that nothing sounded good before.
Camper Van Beethoven - June and All Her Favorite Fruit (1989)
I had been following this band since their first album, and their fifth, Key Lime Pie, blew me away, especially these two overlapping songs. June has the best lyrics and AHFF has the best music.
Big Star - September Gurls (1973)
I discovered Big Star around 1992. The bit starting at 1:25 is like nothing before and not much since. I write more about them on the albums page.
The Muffs - Lucky Guy (1993)
I heard this on college radio, immediately bought their debut album, and became obsessed with the Muffs for years, for their catchy songwriting, tight fuzz guitar, and especially for Kim Shattuck's voice. Her best screaming is on Ethyl My Love, and Upside Down is a great song from their third album.
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea (1998)
For years this was my favorite song, but it faded into the background when I discovered Big Blood. Another great Jeff Mangum song is this informal live version of Little Birds.
The Promise Ring - A Picture Postcard (1996)
I'm not a fan of emo, but a friend stayed with me and introduced me to this concise and luminous breakup song. The lyrics are a subtle gutpunch, from the setup, "Don't forget to kiss me if you're really going to leave," to the climax, "Keep your eyes on the road." I interpret it in more detail here.
Orphans & Vandals - Terra Firma (2009)
My girlfriend has highly developed taste in music, which sometimes overlaps with mine. Here's her top 100 from a few years back.
Big Blood - Destin Rain (2010)
I discovered this band in summer of 2014 and became obsessed for years. Much more on my Big Blood fan page, Ecstasy and Doom.
Big Blood - A Watery Down Pt. II (2014)
The song I've spent the most time listening to.
Automatic - Humanoid (2019)
My theme song for COVID. It's about being more alive.

Top Tier Scraps
Songs that aren't on any playlist yet, in order of release date.
unknown - Misirlu (1927?)
The Beatles - Rain (1966)
My favorite Beatles song and Ringo's best drumming. I write more about the Beatles here.
Donovan - Atlantis (1968)
The second half is one of the best things ever.
Flying Burrito Brothers - Sin City (1969)
Melanie Safka - Lay Down (1970)
Melanie Safka - Ruby Tuesday (1970)
Johnny Cash - Sunday Morning Coming Down (1970)
The best version of Kris Kristofferson's best song.
Syd Barrett - Dark Globe (1970)
Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi (1970)
Exuma - Baal (1970)
Loudon Wainwright - New Paint (1972)
Brian Eno - On Some Faraway Beach (1973)
Big Star - What's Going Ahn (1973)
Chris Bell - I Am the Cosmos (1975?)
To my knowledge, the only song with this stunning symmetrical structure: first verse, different verse, chorus, solo, chorus, different verse, first verse.
Ramones - Questioningly (1978)
Their best written song. Dee Dee wrote it and Johnny hated it.
John Cooper Clarke - Valley Of The Lost Women (1978)
A great lyricist's best lyrics.
Gary Numan - Down In The Park (live 1980)
Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor (1980)
The second best classic punk song.
Fear - Let's Have A War (1982)
The best classic punk song.
Wall Of Voodoo - Lost Weekend (1982)
Another gem from that album is Factory, a massive upgrade of Machines by Lothar and the Hand People.
Lora Logic - Martian Man (1982)
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime (live 1984)
Not a fan of their sound, but these are great lyrics.
Cocteau Twins - Pandora (1984)
Timbuk 3 - Just Another Movie (1986)
Forgotten political song about how people are tricked into believing in the system that feeds on them.
Galaxie 500 - Flowers (1988)
This is what reverb was invented for.
Beat Happening - TV Girl (1989)
Loreena McKennitt - Greensleeves (1991)
Improvised in one take, and its rawness makes it her best song.
Beat Happening - Godsend (1992)
Listen to this with Linda Smith's "I So Liked Spring".
Sigur Rós - Svefn-g-englar (Sleepwalkers) (1999)
My favorite foreign language song, except for this.
Le Tigre - The The Empty (1999)
This video features an inspiring drum performance by Erin Doubenmier.
Carissa's Wierd - Blessed Arms That Hold You Tight, Freezing Cold and Alone (2001)
Gravenhurst - Black Holes In The Sand (2004)
This is like the definition of psychedelic folk, unless it's Secret Garden.
Orphans & Vandals - Mysterious Skin (2009)
This makes Bohemian Rhapsody sound like children's music.
Withered Hand - Love in the Time of Ecstacy (2009)
Esben and the Witch - No Dog (live 2014)
Play it loud.
Wireheads - Sonic Spaces Blues (2014)
Big Blood - Away Pt. III (2014)
If I were a UFC fighter, this would be my walkout song.

Beethoven - Great Fugue (1827)
I need to listen to more classical music, but so far, this is one of the few things I really like. Another is Satie's Vexations.
The Velvet Underground - What Goes On (1969 live)
I could loop the last six minutes forever.
Miles Davis - Helen Butte (1972)
Like Beethoven's Great Fugue, this whole album was despised by contemporaries. I don't think either musician was trying to be weird or difficult. They were just trying to be good, and they pushed quality so far that almost nobody got it. This song is practically space rock. I can't even understand it sober, but on cannabis it's extremely psychedelic.
Symphonies of the Planets 1 (1992)
The Voyager space probes recorded electromagnetic signals from around the solar system. Back on Earth these were converted into sound, and someone made really good loops and collages of these sounds. One version was released as NASA Voyager Space Sounds, separated into ten 30 minute tracks from different places. Another version was released as Symphonies of the Planets, with different planets blended into five 30 minute CD's. All the prettiest and spookiest stuff, mostly from the rings of Uranus, is on CD 1.
Yo La Tengo - Spec Bebop (1997)
Is it pronounced Space Bebop? This whole thing is actually riffing on a sound near the end of Miles Davis's song Billy Preston.
Godspeed You Black Emperor - Gathering Storm (2000)
GYBE took the slow buildup to a whole new level. My other favorites include East Hastings and Moya.
Retro Remix Revue - Gerudo Valley (2009)
Great version of the best video game song.
Moon Duo - Love On The Sea (2009)
Sort of a cover of What Goes On.
Rachel Flowers - Piano Phase (2011)
This rendition of the Steve Reich composition is probably the biggest influence on my own piano playing.

More Scraps
Camper Van Beethoven - Lulu Land (1986)
Note: add to lyrics playlist. Written by David Lowery's otherwise unknown roommate, Paul McKinney.
Killdozer - Sweet Home Alabama (1986)
Note: add to covers playlist. This rocks harder than the original, and the vocals are ridiculous.
Joanna Newsom - Clam Crab Cockle Cowrie (2004)
Note: add to breakup playlist. Check out this interpretation by MisterPuzzles.
Rocketship - I Love You Like The Way That I Used To Do (1996)
Note: add to aliens don't kill us playlist.
The Velvet Underground - Candy Says (1968)
Note: add to best written playlist.
Jack Nitzsche - Old Enough To Know (1981)
This song has never been released or even bootlegged -- you can only hear it by watching the movie Cutter's Way, and only the first verse plays clearly. I bought the dvd just so I could extract it for the video.
Steve Mauldin - The Abominable O Holy Night (199?)
It's easier to unlock genius by trying to be bad than trying to be good, and this masterpiece of badness must be what Song For Baltimore sounds like to other people. Related: Guy Plays A Cat Organ, and a mind-blowing version of Greensleeves on Otamatone.

Appendix: one song per letter

Appendix: one song per year
  1. Nancy Wilson - You Don't Know How Glad I Am
  2. The Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
  3. The Beach Boys - Sloop John B
  4. The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset
  5. The Shocking Blue - Send Me A Postcard
  6. Nick Drake - Saturday Sun
  7. The Kinks - Strangers
  8. Exuma - 22nd Century
  9. Hawkwind - Space Is Deep
  10. Big Star - September Gurls
  11. Big Star - Kangaroo
  12. Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind
  13. Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight
  14. Crystal Gayle - Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue
  15. Earth, Wind & Fire - September
  16. Blondie - Dreaming
  17. Dire Straits - Tunnel of Love
  18. Juice Newton - Angel Of The Morning
  19. A Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song
  20. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Telegraph
  21. Cyndi Lauper - Money Changes Everything
  22. R.E.M. - Wendell Gee
  23. Camper Van Beethoven - Good Guys & Bad Guys
  24. R.E.M. - Crazy
  25. Beat Happening - Indian Summer
  26. Camper Van Beethoven - June
  27. Beat Happening - Secret Picnic Spot
  28. R.E.M. - Belong
  29. The Garbage and the Flowers - Carousel
  30. The Muffs - Eye To Eye
  31. Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
  32. Pretty & Twisted - Souvenir
  33. Carissa's Wierd - Drunk With The Only Saints I Know
  34. The Muffs - Outer Space
  35. Belle and Sebastian - The Rollercoaster Ride
  36. Warren Zevon - I Was In The House When The House Burned Down
  37. Coldplay - Yellow
  38. Life Without Buildings - Let's Get Out
  39. Broken Social Scene - Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl
  40. Interpol - NYC
  41. Joanna Newsom - En Gallop
  42. Bloc Party - This Modern Love
  43. Band of Horses - The Funeral
  44. Big Blood - Song For Baltimore
  45. Nisennenmondai - Mirrorball
  46. Orphans & Vandals - Argyle Square
  47. Big Blood - Destin Rain
  48. Big Blood - Water
  49. Advance Base - Summer Music
  50. Hana Zara - You Burnt the Toast
  51. Wireheads - Holiday
  52. Living Hour - Summer Smog
  53. Camp Claude - Swimming Lessons
  54. Mattiel - Count Your Blessings
  55. The Lovely Eggs - Wiggy Giggy
  56. Automatic - Humanoid
  57. Anna Burch - Can't Sleep
  58. Petite League - Echo
  59. Hurray For The Riff Raff - Pierced Arrows
  60. Grian Chatten - All Of The People
  61. Sprints - Up and Comer