Witches of the Pinspecked Void
I've suspended work on this novel. Writing book one was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done, but nobody else liked it as much as I did, and since then I've been increasingly bogged down in attempts to get it to full length. Meanwhile, I started another project that's going better. I think this novel failed to find an audience because of bad exposition, a problem I'm now solving by writing in the first person.
Change log: September 2022: renamed chains to strings, renamed Aqua to Myrma. January 2022: Changed Grimlock, formerly Ladbroke, to Spoke. October 2021: Thanans have been renamed Shinbones. April 2021: reverted merchant dialogue in chapter 5. October 2020: changed book one headquote. September 2020: rewrote Brother Dreadmuppet scene in book 2 chapter 12. December 2019: full rewrite of chapter 1. December 2019: new cover image. November 2019: reverted to old title. November, 2018: new chapter between chapters 12 and 13 of book two, and a new section in 2-14. Nov 15: added headquote to 2-15. Late October: new title. Oct 19: chapter 1-6 polishing. Oct 9: rewrote arbspace in 1-6. Sept 2018, stretched and rewrote 1-5 and 1-6.
Book 1: Pinspecked Void
complete html
frame and chapters
[other filetypes, still the September 2017 version]
rtf dictionary
Book 2: Tripsie Glade
[I recommend not reading this. A lot of it has been or will be changed.]
frame and chapters
complete html