Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/#9a417fe513f58988c3b5b1e84cfc57397194a79b 2023-05-11T23:50:44Z Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/ ranprieur@gmail.com May 11. http://ranprieur.com/#69d6e3399e398e4f2333f570a6b15bf1f17f37d7 2023-05-11T23:50:44Z May 11. One more link about drugs, a new article on Nautilus, The 19th-Century Trippers Who Probed the Mind.

And an update from a week ago. I knew that post was half-baked and now I know why. I wrote, "the value system of efficiency only arises when the person doing the work doesn't enjoy it, or when someone is paying for it." But Kathryn points out that efficiency can be intrinsically enjoyable:

There can be a great deal of satisfaction in arranging your work efficiently... everything happening in a logical order, no wasted motion, no wasted resources. Think of a chef, and mise en place... chopping and measuring all ingredients first, arranging them in the order they're going to be added to the dish being prepared, making sure that all needed utensils are within reach. The chopping, measuring and arranging can be pleasurable in themselves, and once everything is ready, you can just COOK, paying attention to the sights, sounds and smells of what you're cooking, with nothing to interrupt the process.

Coincidentally, I've been making progress in my lifelong battle against clumsiness, and it came from piano playing. The goal of improv is for your fingers and your ears to get so connected, that you can play stuff that sounds good without your brain getting involved. I've been at that level for a while, and it's a nice plateau, but the only way to get better was to bring my brain back in. So I made the rule that my eye has to touch a key before my finger does, which forces my brain to form precise intentions and my fingers to follow. It's really hard, but it has carried over into stuff like putting forks away.

May 9. http://ranprieur.com/#4d46cd30a1d9dfd9f83a789b122de4064849f164 2023-05-09T21:30:32Z May 9. Back to my favorite subject lately, altered mental states, starting with this article from Aeon: "Long before it entered the urban playgrounds of the 20th century, the swing was a ritual instrument of healing, punishment and transformation."

Meditation Wasn't for Me -- Until I Tried It While Hiking. I've noticed exactly the same thing: blanking my thoughts and being in the moment is easier and more effective while walking around than while sitting still.

A scientific article, Effect of LSD on reinforcement learning in humans. "Computational modelling revealed that the most pronounced effect of LSD was the enhancement of the reward learning rate." I think we have all kinds of room to use psychedelics for focused practical applications.

And a great Reddit thread, What drug will you never touch again and why? I learned that breathing air dusters is extremely dangerous, and that ambien causes creepy blackouts.

There are many good comments on cocaine, including this one that says "It doesn't do anything for me except make me want more cocaine." And this one by someone whose life and health got ruined, "All for the same effect of four Red Bulls basically."

And some good comments on DMT. This one has a fascinating metaphor: "I felt like a kid who spoiled Christmas by looking at his presents early." A sub-comment has an unusual set of beliefs that I expect to become more common:

Thanks to DMT I'm an atheist who believes in an afterlife, but I don't think a god exists. I just think it's another dimension as natural as this plane of existence. One day maybe science will figure it out. But shit dude, I've been there and it's all math and fractals.

May 8. http://ranprieur.com/#53e807589fab1e59857f1b90f66ddfae116d81ed 2023-05-08T20:20:52Z May 8. Continuing from last week, a thought experiment. What would happen if humans became permanently incapable of doing any task that we don't find intrinsically enjoyable?

First, the global economy would disappear like smoke. Then, over the next few years, billions of people would die -- not because farmers would quit working, but because they'd have to start over without industrial supply chains. By the way, during famines, most people don't die from actual starvation, but from disease and violence that emerge when people are hungry.

A hundred years down the line, would we all be back to the stone age? No way. Unlike stone age people, we would know about all the cool stuff we can do. We would have books and tools and skills. Eventually, enthusiasts in garage workshops would be making everything from transistors to bike tires.

How complex could a society get on a 100% volunteer workforce? How complex is the forest? We wouldn't have big box stores with a hundred thousand items. Instead, there would be ten million items all spread out across the land. Instead of schools forcing everyone to learn the same boring stuff, every student would follow their own peculiar obsession. It would take many generations to work out the details, but eventually a low coercion society is going to have a higher ceiling than a high coercion society.

The problem with this scenario is that it ignores the main reason people do things: not because particular tasks are enjoyable in an absolute sense, but because they fit a social context. People will happily do work to feed their children, where they would revolt against doing exactly the same work to feed strangers.

That's why our system is collapsing. I think in a thousand years, historians will look back and see us, right now, somewhere in a transition more epic than the fall of Rome, and faster. They'll probably blame climate change, but I blame psychosocial factors, one of which is atomization, the stripping away of context. We've become isolated individuals scanning our screens for isolated pleasures. We no longer feel like we are part of anything larger that gives us a reason to do things. And dangerous movements are filling this void.

May 4. http://ranprieur.com/#6f4bc2f9b4bdeddedda1a55da34e854b48d09b89 2023-05-04T16:40:18Z May 4. I have no ideas this week. This is a post I drafted a while back, that didn't meet my standards, but this week my standards are lower:

Efficiency is a value system, which seeks to minimize the human work that goes into doing something. But if someone is doing work they enjoy, outside the money economy, then it doesn't matter how long it takes. So the value system of efficiency only arises when the person doing the work doesn't enjoy it, or when someone is paying for it.

Imagine there's a factory owner who's obsessed with efficiency. He makes sure that in his factory, everything is done in the smoothest possible way, with no human movement that's not necessary. Then he goes out on weekends and climbs mountains.

Of course, climbing mountains has no practical value at all. It's completely about feeding the owner's hunger for meaning.

So we can't understand motivation and meaning without looking at power. The workers are not allowed to do their jobs in a way that feels more meaningful to them, unless it fits the owner's sense of meaning. And that owner-defined sense of meaning -- quantity of wealth produced per quantity of human activity -- goes hand in hand with economic domination.

I suggest a numerical measure of a society's health. I call it intrinsic-extrinsic overlap, and I can think of two ways to measure it: 1) Of all the people who are really into something, what percent are into something that the economy considers valuable? 2) Of all the people with jobs, what percent would still do their jobs if money was not a factor?

May 2. http://ranprieur.com/#4926e6029a4e8752b3c70835159af0846246817b 2023-05-02T14:20:57Z May 2. Gordon Lightfoot has died. I've been listening to his stuff for decades, and he has a lot of great songs other than the hits, so I whipped up a 95 minute Spotify playlist.

May 1. http://ranprieur.com/#259c135bf6a164f888d5dd32ba390b8b42aa2733 2023-05-01T13:10:26Z May 1. budding trees against the sky Today's subject is drugs, a word I'm using to include alcohol. There's a set of things that a lot of people say about drugs: they make you numb, they temporarily block the misery of existence, they take you away from reality.

My experience is exactly the opposite, and I'm specifically talking about cannabis a few times a week and psychedelics a few times a year. Drugs take me closer to reality. Edges are sharper, sounds are clearer, social situations are more comprehensible. Emotions are stronger, including unpleasant emotions. I get some anxiety from weed but it's worth it for the benefits. Rather than zoning out on the couch, I pack every experience and activity I can into the magic hours before I return to the padded cell of my thick head.

I think this is related to the fact that I don't like alcohol or opioids. I mean, I won't try heroin, but I've had prescription hydrocodone, and after one pill I'm like, nope, the negatives outweigh the positives.

Last week I took my yearly LSD trip. In Pullman I would always walk up the Palouse River. In Seattle I walked around Westcrest Park, an urban forest that has gone long enough without logging to have trees you can't reach halfway around. And it was nice, but I still like the river better. I feel like the best part of the forest must be up in the treetops where the sun is.

About the drug, I discovered something crazy. Neither LSD nor psilocybin has ever given me visuals, so I thought, I'll try to jump-start some visuals by imagining something. And I couldn't! LSD gives me aphantasia. A substance known for taking people to dreamland, takes me extra hard into my senses. I've poked around online and can't find anyone else reporting this.

I suppose my point is, a lot of what we think drugs do is really down to individual brains.
