Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/#9a417fe513f58988c3b5b1e84cfc57397194a79b 2021-12-06T18:20:43Z Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/ ranprieur@gmail.com December 6. http://ranprieur.com/#f684a6fc0bb923e8ab2bf98f4d3d63046d768fa9 2021-12-06T18:20:43Z December 6. Lately I'm feeling burned out on blogging. Sometimes people caring what I think is not worth people caring what I think, and that's becoming true for more subjects. But this is a cool subject (thanks Jed), Reality shifting: psychological features of an emergent online daydreaming culture.

RS, described as the experience of being able to transcend one's physical confines and visit alternate, mostly fictional, universes, is discussed by many on Internet platforms.... The experience of shifting is reportedly facilitated by specific induction methods involving relaxation, concentration of attention, and autosuggestion. Some practitioners report a strong sense of presence in their desired realities, reified by some who believe in the concrete reality of the alternate world they shift to.

Obviously these worlds aren't real, but it's interesting that there is a cultural trend of more intensive imagination. It's anyone's guess if this is a dead end, or if it's leading somewhere.

Related: a smart blog post from 2017, Reality has a surprising amount of detail. The same thing struck me after playing on the Oculus and then taking the garbage out. In VR, there's a limit to how deep you can zoom before you get to one pixel. In reality -- and you could even use this as a definition of reality -- no matter how deep you zoom, there's always more. That's why physicists will never find a final particle or a grand unifying theory.

December 2. http://ranprieur.com/#4614c82c6fbf199476b92dedc36614a212b205e0 2021-12-02T14:40:54Z December 2. Stray tech links. Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand. This article is loaded with examples of how increasing technological complexity creates more problems than it solves.

On the same subject: Ask Hacker News: Why doesn't anyone create a search engine comparable to 2005-Google? Because the internet is much bigger now and more complex. But the thread does have some examples of good small search engines, including Gigablast. There are a few more examples on this altsearch page (thanks Alex).

Firefox is the Only Alternative "to a complete Chrome hegemony."

Why a toaster from 1949 is still smarter than any sold today

And two surprisingly unpopular YouTube channels, Ris and Revrart, both makers of fractal zooms into trippy illustrations. I recommend muting the sound and playing music of your choice while watching.
