Ran Prieurhttp://ranprieur.com/#9a417fe513f58988c3b5b1e84cfc57397194a79b2021-11-10T22:20:59ZRan Prieurhttp://ranprieur.com/ranprieur@gmail.comNovember 10.http://ranprieur.com/#55a14ba7766b8d5dd03f50c9fa158848857aeca62021-11-10T22:20:59Z
November 10. Just submitted to Weird Collapse, Imagination isn't the icing on the cake of human cognition. It's the cake: "The more we understand about the minds of other animals, and the more we try (and fail) to build machines that can 'think' like us, the clearer it becomes that imagination is a candidate for our most valuable and most distinctive attribute."
Maybe humanity's great mistake is trying to make our dreams physically real. Consider all the imagination that went into a place like Disneyland, and then the nightmare of the place itself -- never mind all the dystopian constructions that are supposed to be practical. I'm thinking the best human society is the one that gives the most citizens the most hours of unfettered useless dreaming.
And one positive: Scotland wants to rewild its famous wilderness]]>
November 5.http://ranprieur.com/#7734284631343f565b8063622be0902eea2019cb2021-11-05T17:30:14Z
November 5. Music for the weekend. At the end of last year, I said that the best song of 2020 is surely something I haven't heard yet. I still think that's the case, but among the songs I have heard, this is my new favorite: Pozi - Whitewashing. Pozi is an English post-punk trio with no guitars, only drums, bass, and violin. Their newest EP doesn't have anything as catchy as Whitewashing, but I love its sonic complexity.]]>
November 3.http://ranprieur.com/#148775b2d3d9999e0f560fd8441af165da585ba92021-11-03T15:10:40Z
November 3. No ideas this week, so more links, starting with two about user-friendly devices: the PinePhone and the Framework Laptop.
A reader sends this page about the The Catacombs of Solaris. "The goal of this game is to find your favourite room in the catacombs. It's a perspective maze that plays with your perception of 3D space on a 2D screen."
And Genetic Goldmine in Earth's Harshest Desert Could Be The Key to Feeding The Future. The idea is, as a lot of the planet turns into a desert, we could stick desert genes in food plants so they'll still grow.]]>
November 1.http://ranprieur.com/#a94fcdbb7873b8d80f86b3081d02889cf7e8c5152021-11-01T13:50:49Z
November 1. I have a new rule, that if I post a negative link, I have to balance it with a positive link. So, negative: a Hacker News thread about how U.S. house prices are rising exponentially faster than income, with lots of smart discussion about why that's happening and how we could do the economy better.
Negative: The First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Leaf Blowers. Even if we fix the toxic emissions with electric leaf blowers, they're still used to move leaves off lawns, when it would be ecologically better to let them stay.