Until We Dream A Star

a novel by Ran Prieur
[I'm working on an alternate version that's easier to read, but that project has stalled. Changes to the main version are appearing, for now, only in the complete html files. Change log: Nov 26, 2018: rock shape in 2-2b. Nov 15: headquote to 2-15. Late October: new title! Oct 19: chapter 1-6 polishing. Oct 9: rewrote arbspace in 1-6. Sept 2018, stretched and rewrote 1-5 and 1-6.]

Book 1: Pinspecked Void

frame and chapters
complete html

[other filetypes, still the September 2017 version]
rtf dictionary

Book 2: Tripsie Glade

frame and chapters
complete html

[other filetypes coming]

Creative Commons License