Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/#9a417fe513f58988c3b5b1e84cfc57397194a79b 2016-01-22T12:52:13Z Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/ ranprieur@gmail.com January 22. http://ranprieur.com/#6beeb58c06869b8f42d004fbfc7454722ecd8dee 2016-01-22T12:46:26Z January 22. This blog is like my job: it seems to be contributing something to the world, and I still enjoy it enough to keep doing it. But lately what I really love is writing about music. It's more rewarding than writing about ideas because ideas are made of words in the first place, while music has to be translated from a nonverbal world in which value is mostly subjective.

Typically I'll spend the week finding new stuff or picking out stuff I already know, then on the weekend I'll get really high and listen for four or five hours. Then the next day I might spend hours rewriting my music pages to reflect what I just heard. I rarely mention my Big Blood page because they don't sound nearly as good to you as they sound to me, but if you're interested, 90% of the current text was not there six months ago.

Last Saturday I really indulged myself, listening to my top 50 non-Big Blood songs on a good dose of cannabutter and a microdose of mushrooms. I first arranged them worst to best in three playlists, which were not quite right but got me close enough to hear some categories where they really fit. Then Sunday I edited my favorite songs page so that, instead of the songs being in decreasing order of quality, the top 32 are in a series of five connected playlists.

Apart from Big Blood, I still have only one and a half top-tier songs from 2015. The half song is the angelic jam at the end of Beach House - PPP. And the one is Sheer Mag - Fan The Flames. It's like there's some primal force that rises up every few years and takes over one song.

January 20. http://ranprieur.com/#98495518dee25d145dceedce87db6966526eac16 2016-01-20T12:36:34Z January 20. This NY Times article raises important questions, but not very well: America's Best Days May Be Behind It. My comment on Hacker News:

This whole debate seems philosophically sloppy. The rate of return on capital investments, the pace of technological change, the disposable income of ordinary people, and subjective quality of life are all different things that are only loosely related. But if we throw around the word "progress" without carefully defining it, we might imagine they're all the same thing.

Ultimately it comes down to the hardest question: What is the meaning of life? And one reason society is fragmenting is that we disagree more than ever about the answer.

New subject, sort of. This reddit comment argues that Jihadism is National Socialist, Not Fascist. I didn't know there was a difference, but the author explains it as the difference between violent gangs run by the state, like in Putin's Russia, and social groups run by the party, like the Hitler Youth. From the key paragraph:

Jihadism and Nazi Germany are the respective symptoms of the same problem, which is the local collapse of society, the lack of economic development, the end of competitive capitalism and the replacement of it with a monopolistic, stagnated capitalism and all the misery it creates. They are both the result of a fetishistic view of how to save the world, both focused on the destruction of the enemy on which the percieved problems are focused. And they both achieve the realization of the uniform people's community.

Again from today's Hacker News, commenting on ISIS cutting its fighters' salaries by 50%, someone makes a fascinating comparison between ISIS and startup companies:

They saw initial success and had fast growth. They wanted to keep growing so they recruited heavily. To recruit a lot of soldiers they promised generous pay and benefits and even offered to support the families of soldiers so dads could go fight. Their burn rate was astronomical, but was okay because they were staying ahead of it through growth. But the growth ended up being unsustainable, because competition arrived and contained them. They kept it up for a long time because they had a lot of funding, but their burn rate finally caught up to them since they haven't been able to keep growing as before. Leadership did not/have not made the transition from wild startup CEOs that give pitch talks and sell to investors into the sensible, sustainable CEOs that manage a company in a saturated market with an eye toward creating a mature company. Remaining in the mode of a wild growth startup company is not an option for these guys. There is no viable strategy for a terrorist group that says "we'll grow like crazy and then sell out to Apple/Facebook/Google/Microsoft while we are popular and they'll handle the maturity stages." Terrorists have to make the maturity transition themselves because they can't be bought out.

I said this was sort of related to the decline of America, because any amount of exponential growth is unsustainable. The whole global economy is just a slow-burn version of Nazis and startups. But where Google had to transition from fast to slow growth, the world has to transition from slow growth to zero, something that has never been done smoothly.

January 18. http://ranprieur.com/#904f1b00b0bcd837b72afc5c2cc01c597200441e 2016-01-18T12:28:34Z January 18. Two long, smart articles about how corporations veer off into doing bad things. Thanks Jef for What Was Volkswagen Thinking? Through examples from several companies, it shows how any human system can fall into a feedback loop of increasing distortion of reality. It starts with small distortions, "I'll gloss over this tiny flaw to prevent a big hassle," and can build up to an edifice of lies where any individual person is rewarded for going along with it and fired if they try to stop it.

This article, Normalization of Deviance in Software, is less about ethics and more about effective internal practices, but the veering-off process is the same: little shortcuts turn into entrenched dysfunction that's very difficult to reverse.

Google didn't go from adding z to the end of names to having the world's best security because someone gave a rousing speech or wrote a convincing essay. They did it after getting embarrassed a few times, which gave people who wanted to do things "right" the leverage to fix fundamental process issues. It's the same story at almost every company I know of that has good practices. Microsoft was a joke in the security world for years, until multiple disastrously bad exploits forced them to get serious about security. Which makes it sound simple: but if you talk to people who were there at the time, the change was brutal. Despite a mandate from the top, there was vicious political pushback...

People push back if the change threatens their job, or even if it threatens their comfortable beliefs or routines. And what if the people pushing back have more power than the people who want the change? I think this has happened to the whole global economy, and it comes back to the subject of economic inequality.

Any defense of wealth inequality must start with the assumption that wealth is earned: that how much money a person or product makes is a reflection of its value to society. Paul Graham made an airtight defense of inequality by never seriously questioning that assumption, but it's so far wrong that the truth is often the opposite. You can make minimum wage by serving society, but you make real money by following bullshit scripts, by valuing surface flashiness over deep integrity, by pandering to fools, by taking advantage of human inattention instead of trying to fix it.

This becomes more true as wealth becomes more unequal, because wealth is not just the freedom to buy luxuries -- it's the power to make other people go along with your bullshit. Being rich in a capitalist economy is a milder version of being dictator of North Korea. Why are Whole Foods customers terrible people? That article doesn't try to explain it, but it's because Whole Foods prices are so high that their regular shoppers are people who don't even notice the price of groceries, so they probably have enough money to go through life being selfish without being seriously challenged.

It's tempting to imagine this trend driving us to total collapse, but I think the first world will find equilibrium, where the rich don't completely abuse the political system, and the poor don't overthrow it, because there are just enough reforms to keep life tolerable.

January 15. http://ranprieur.com/#48078d94ca6cc76afca206b12c4a14f4e37d7490 2016-01-15T12:12:28Z January 15. Because I already posted music this week, I'll post social philosophy today. For the new year, tech startup funder Paul Graham wrote this embarrassing defense of economic inequality, in which he accidentally showed why economic inequality is bad, because it makes people like him so out of touch.

Here's a great critique, Paul Graham is Still Asking to be Eaten. Condensed excerpt:

What the market deems valuable is not necessarily aligned with what is ultimately good for us as a society or even what we want. Because under conditions of extreme inequality, the market is biased towards people who have lots of money, at the expense of virtually everyone else.

Most of us outside of Palo Alto have no idea how a product as fucking stupid as Peeple gets valued at $7.6 million while a 4th grade teacher can't pay off her student loans and pay rent at the same time. But according to Paul Graham, those creepy Peeple women created value where that school teacher is just a stupid loser.

Ask a nurse who saved, like, three lives today what her salary is and then go ask the guy who made Candy Crush Saga what he got paid for it. Candy Crush Saga was valorized at over $7 billion. According to that same market, a human life is only valorized at $129,000. Meaning Candy Crush Saga is worth more to society than the combined value of 54,264 human lives.

Because that's where this stupid game gets you. You end up going to absurd lengths to rationalize mediocre ideas because they happen to make tons of money instead of questioning the legitimacy of a system that confers so much value on to stupid things.

A reader sends this article with more details about the beliefs of Silicon Valley elites, and I'm skeptical of the idea that a few smart people are doing more for the good of the world than everyone else, because it's based on dumb ideas about what's good for the world.

On basically the same subject, Anne has another new post, Entrepreneurship Means I Give Up, or Entrepreneurship is Hopium for the Economy: with the 20th century economy dying, and real wages steadily falling, we can still believe in capitalism and economic growth by focusing on a few people who strike it rich in the small business lottery.

The first "job" today's kids have to answer is, what the hell am I going to do that anyone is willing to pay me for? And each kid, increasingly, is expected to answer this alone as an individual. When poor or less-educated people do this, it's called "hustling" but when it trickles upwards to the children of the 1%, it's our national economic plan.

January 13. http://ranprieur.com/#fab490c0d95a0b6dd94754a2be5f14d320af3b85 2016-01-13T12:51:09Z January 13. So I could write a tribute to David Bowie, last night I vaped some strong weed and listened closely to his early stuff, and it's shocking how influential he was. From 1969, Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed sounds like edgy folk rock, then at two minutes it starts to sounds like Bob Dylan (and way better than what Dylan was doing in 1969), and then it sounds like Led Zeppelin! Of course they were both copying blues, but the jam in "Unwashed" sounds more like "When The Levee Breaks" than either sounds like anything else, so Led Zeppelin learned from Bowie how to do that. From the same album, Janine is basically Gordon Lightfoot, but the crazy thing is that it integrates electric guitar into folk music in a way that Lightfoot hadn't done yet. Listen to Lightfoot's I'm Not Sayin', then "Janine", then Lightfoot's number one hit from 1974, Sundown.

His next album, The Man Who Sold The World, by the standards of 1970, was full-on heavy metal, and this was probably the only time a former folk singer made a landmark metal album. Check out the guitar solo at the 2:10 mark in The Width of a Circle. Other parts of that song are glam prog rock, or proto-Queen. At 3:10 of All The Madmen you can hear Brian May's future guitar sound. And She Shook Me Cold is the bridge from Black Sabbath to grunge -- especially in the verses, you can tell that Seattle musicians had this album on their turntables in the late 1980's. (Nirvana's cover of "The Man Who Sold The World" was not an attempt to improve the original, merely a tribute.) Skipping ahead to Ziggy Stardust, Hang On To Yourself is where the Ramones got most of their sound -- even counting "one, two" at the beginning!

There are at least two kinds of great art, like branches and flowers. The above are examples of new ideas that other artists took and did better. But sometimes a song is too good to be influential, because nothing that tries to sound like it can touch it. (A non-Bowie example would be Led Zeppelin's "The Battle Of Evermore".) Going back to Bowie's 1969 album (titled both David Bowie and Space Oddity), Cygnet Committee starts out lame, but around the five minute mark it launches into scalp-tingling epic vocals that rise and crash like nothing before or since, although Bowie himself would do it nearly as well in other songs like Five Years.

And I've been taking it for granted all these years, but David Bowie's masterpiece is Space Oddity. Not only is it one of the best written songs of all time, but every sonic texture is raw and beautiful, the mix is airtight, and the high keyboard and electric guitar, at 2:30 and again at 4:00, are brighter than the sun. Notice the similarity between the end of Space Oddity and the end of his farewell song, Lazarus.

January 11. http://ranprieur.com/#0e159cb8047dc107855aad84b2dd9bdc196323d8 2016-01-11T12:45:24Z January 11. Sort of continuing the subject of technological collapse, a new reddit thread, What are some examples of older technology being better than its newer counterparts?

And a few days ago on Hacker News there was comment thread about Super 8 video and whether it's better or worse than digital. Because it's more expensive and has worse resolution, the arguments that it's better have to be subtle.

Four years ago I toured the country without a laptop, and in place of browser bookmarks, I sent an email to myself with all the links I check. A few weeks ago I cleaned out my inbox and noticed how much my daily links had changed. Out of maybe 50, there were only three that I still look at now: my own website, reddit (but different subreddits), and No Tech Magazine.

The same people do a very similar site called Low Tech Magazine, and the reason I still read them is they're not simple-minded. If something is worth my attention, it has to understand something better than me, and in that case I will not be able to predict what it's going to say. I would not expect something called No Tech Magazine to support something called Solarpunk. And while I would expect it to argue that self-driving cars will be a congestion disaster, I hadn't thought of the particular reason: with downtown parking expensive and scarce, people will tell their cars to circle the block.

January 8. http://ranprieur.com/#2643a9910cee77eddf9a6e6f6d743741674a0de0 2016-01-08T12:12:12Z January 8. I want to continue Wednesday's subject while it's still fresh. Anne has written a follow-up post about the knowability of doom. Rather than summarize it I'm going to "cover" it: write an argument that's based on it, but with starker lines. This argument is speculative, and I think it's useful even if it's not strictly true:

A well-functioning human society that understands a threat to its existence will be able to deal with it. It follows that the really big disasters are not understood in their own time. Medieval Europe could see the symptoms of the black death, but they couldn't see the causes because they lacked the microbe model of disease. Because the modern world understands microbes, we have managed to control new epidemics like SARS and AIDS.

A collapse process that we don't understand might be blamed on something we do understand. My example would be the fall of Rome, which might be blamed on the Visigoths, but was really a long and complex process, largely about something we still don't understand: the difficulty of keeping big systems healthy without growth.

Looking at our own near future, climate change and the decline of nonrenewable resources are threats that we understand, so we should be able to muddle through them. If we don't, if we get such a big collapse that phones stop working and you don't have to pay taxes, it might be blamed on climate change and peak oil, but it will really be caused by our whole society being weakened by factors we do not understand.

But who is "we"? Because of the internet, human understanding is in a shape that has never existed before. You could call it long tail understanding: where a medieval university (or a modern university) only has room for a few idea factions, now we have an idea space with room for a million crackpots. There was probably a peasant girl in the 1300's who guessed that plagues are caused by very tiny animals, and she told two people and they thought she was crazy. Now she could put it on a blog where someone receptive to the idea could find it. I think, whatever history shows as the deep cause of 21st century collapse, someone already has the basic idea.

My wild guess is that person is mathematician Steven Strogatz and the deep threat is too much coupling in complex systems. That link goes to a three year old Edge.org question where he mentions an exact symptom that Anne mentioned yesterday: flash crashes.

January 6. http://ranprieur.com/#b58489d33530ddf0ca375b5d7ca1eaceedddd8c7 2016-01-06T12:24:27Z January 6. The pattern I'm aiming for this year is to write a big single-subject post on Monday, make short comments on a few links on Wednesday, and write about personal stuff on Friday. But this is flexible, and today I want to write about Anne's new post, On the Theology of Monsters, Take Two, which is partly responding to stuff I've been writing lately about collapse.

I see stories about the future as a series of levels, where each level has more imagination than the one below it. Level Zero is that the way we're living now is just going to continue (and if changes are slow and your life is short, this story is all you need). Level One is optimist science fiction: the way we're living now is going to continue plus space colonies and flying cars and computers that are like really smart humans. The boundary between Level One and Level Two is marked by 1960's intellectuals like Buckminster Fuller, who thought that humans have one chance to expand into space and if we fail we go extinct. They were so mentally imprisoned in the 20th century that they could imagine no alternative except nonexistence.

Level Three is that humans survive in an a world that's like some world we have already seen: tribal hunter-gatherers, or medieval feudalism, or 19th century small town America. Anne references an email where I wrote, "The kind of tech collapse I don't believe in is the Kunstler-Greer collapse, where the internet doesn't even exist and everything is done by hand." Maybe my Level Three readers are a vocal minority and I should ignore them, but that's who I was thinking about when I challenged people to make precise near-term predictions, because I think that idea will lead to predictions that are too simple and too soon.

I'm on Level Four: the future will be like nothing we've ever seen, but still imaginable, and my version is a steampunky collage of preindustrial, contemporary, and sci-fi tools and cultures. Anne is on Level Five, trying to gesture toward changes that we can't possibly imagine:

...the surest sign of an actual technological collapse would be the inability to encompass and interpret what was happening; if a collapse is to be irremediable, it would also have to be permanently inexplicable. This is beyond the radio station going down and you can't figure out why the internet has been out for a week - this would place the root causes beyond the technology of human knowledge and understanding for the meaningful future.
In an age of total information awareness, unknowable blankness is emerging as an existential horror all its own and - pace Melville - is accumulating its own color, mass and meaning, becoming a rebuke to the very assumption of narrative continuity.

January 4, 2016. http://ranprieur.com/#8a6b24a9b915b3059cd330031161c11b2540b7a3 2016-01-04T12:54:35Z January 4, 2016. Over the last week Leigh Ann and I watched a bunch of college football bowl games. At halftime the marching bands come out, and I'm thinking about the difference between the game and the bands: even though the bands are focused outward on the spectators, and the game is focused inward on its own logic, the game is much more interesting.

One exception is the Stanford band, because they do stuff that's not completely inoffensive. This year, because they were playing Iowa, they made the shape of an unhappy farmer and tipped a giant cow. It surprises me that anyone was outraged by something so mild, but I think it's because marching bands represent the last bastion of "tradition", which in this context means cultural deadness.

I see the football game and the marching band as metaphors for living and dead culture. Living culture always has one foot in chaos -- its rules keep it balanced between knowing what's going to happen and not knowing. Dead culture is completely choreographed, so even surprise is scripted and predictable -- in Hollywood thrillers, you expect a plot twist about who the villain is. When performers go off-script, living culture feeds and dead culture breaks. Living culture continually earns its audience while dead culture needs a captive audience.

Audiences don't always know they're captives. When people leave the TV on all day, everything on TV has a captive audience. The Star Wars franchise has a captive audience because people will see the movies even if they're bad (I think only the original was alive). Creators can exploit audiences, but audiences can also pressure creators to give them what they expect -- Neil Young has been booed for not playing enough classic hits, while Bono is nothing but a mirror for his audience.

You know something is really dead when the audience wants to see breakdowns. That's the only reason anyone watches the Superbowl halftime show. And increasingly it's why we follow American politics. The political system has made someone like Donald Trump inevitable by creating an environment where he can simultaneously go off-script and follow very old scripts. How did it happen that the right feels more alive than the left?

January 1, 2016. http://ranprieur.com/#839d18ab7a9344f3bfb95a60653c669a099443c0 2016-01-01T12:05:00Z January 1, 2016. I have ideas for serious posts but this year I want to spread them out to one a week, so I'll finish out the holidays by writing about music again. Posting my favorite songs of 2015 would be too hard because there's so much independent music now that it takes a long time to find stuff, so I'm doing a one year lag and posting my favorites from 2014. These are not in order of quality but playlist order.

Doctopus - Wobbegong is a garage rock masterpiece, and an example of the elusive raw and intense happy song that I mentioned a few weeks ago. This is their only great song.

Too Many Zooz - Dima is by a jazz three-piece that got their start playing in the NYC subways. Because of this environment, trying to hold the attention of a distracted audience, their music never wastes a second. Their entire Brasshouse volume 1 album is basically this good.

Esben and the Witch - No Dog is a powerful noise rock song that was recorded live for this awesome video, and it came out better than the studio version. Plug your computer into your stereo, play it loud and watch the video, and this is the best song of 2014.

Big Blood - You Need Then It Comes is from my favorite band and my favorite singer-songwriter, Colleen Kinsella. The music is clean and heavy like a space battleship, with a mysterious high instrument (a theremin?) complementing harmonium and dense, tight electric guitar that bursts in and out of silence. I want them to do a whole album like this.

Your Friend - Bangs is by singer-songwriter Taryn Miller backed by other Lawrence Kansas musicians. Her Jekyll/Hyde album has one other great song, Tame One, but I picked Bangs for my list because it has a more distinctive sound.

Big Blood - Sick With Information is by the other member of my favorite band, Caleb Mulkerin. It's like a beautiful campfire song about human extinction. "With almanacs and earthquakes, we will all celebrate the end."

December 30. http://ranprieur.com/#ab61ce0fd14776bc140b2360d63b1c62f9206868 2016-12-30T12:42:52Z December 30. Loose end from Monday, and possible teaser for a future post: does it count as technological collapse if a new technology makes our lives worse? If so it's been happening for a long time.

Coincidentally, I found out that Lemmy died five minutes after I posted that Hawkwind song. Here's a Lemmy obituary focusing mostly on his music, and the Guardian obit is more about him as a person. I'm not a big fan of Motorhead, but here's a live video of Motorhead in their prime playing Jailbait.

In 1972, when Lemmy added his amphetamine-fueled bass playing to Hawkwind's LSD-fueled sound, he turned 60's psychedelia into space rock as we know it. If you have good speakers, check out the bass after the five minute mark in the Space Ritual live version of Lord of Light. And my favorite Lemmy song is the original Hawkwind version of Lost Johnny, on which he made every sound but the drums.

December 28. http://ranprieur.com/#1d40ded1158a095f0d74cd6f9ebb237933ef63c9 2016-12-28T12:48:09Z December 28. My goal for this blog, in the new year, is to maintain a climate that confounds ideological thinking. Today, space tech. I think last week's SpaceX Landing is the biggest practical event in the history of space. The moon landing was a symbolic event, and we haven't gone back because there's nothing there and the only point was to show we could do it.

Now that we have rockets that can go into space, reach orbital velocity, and come back and land, it's going to get much cheaper to put stuff up there, which means heavier stuff that can do more. The next obstacle is the Kessler syndrome, which will force us to either somehow clean up low earth orbit, or make reusable rockets that can put stuff in higher orbits.

Now some of you think there's going to be a global technological collapse, and I'm not sure you're wrong, but I would ask you to weigh the possibility that you're wrong, to write down a scenario with precise causality and a timeline, and to rethink your models and assumptions if they lead to wrong near-term predictions.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk is obsessed with colonizing Mars, and I think that's unlikely, but not for the usual hand-wavy reason: "How can we live on Mars if we can't even live responsibly on Earth?" If you consider human psychology, then living in an environment that's already perfectly fit for us, and following its rules, is boring. The point of going to Mars is make our own rules and be completely self-sufficient. It's the same reason teenagers want to move out. And by trying to build our own ecosystems, whether on Mars or in smaller orbital constructions, we'll understand better why the earth's rules are reasonable.

I still don't think humans will be living on Mars, because anyone who actually tried it would be bored out of their skull once the novelty wore off. Like a lot of stuff on earth, colonizing Mars is a fun job for the planners and a terrible job for the people who do the work. That, and the fragility of the human body, is why I expect everything in space to be done by robots.

The robots might even get cheap enough that you could have your own personal space probe or Mars terraformer, and the ruling systems could give us real power in space to make up for our lack of power on earth. But ruling systems are power sinks not rational actors, and they would never do that.

To not be a dead end, space travel has to do at least one of two things: be a new vector for human autonomy, or enable a feedback loop where power can be leveraged into more power. Earth colonies did both, but I don't see space colonies doing either, and until they do, space will continue to be a playground for billionaires and poorly funded scientists.

Meanwhile, what excites us about space sci-fi -- the mystery, the weirdness, the open frontiers, the radically diverse worlds -- can all be done on earth with two developments that will be easier than Mars colonies. One is creative (or pseudo-creative) artificial intelligence that can generate virtual worlds that continue to challenge and surprise us. The other is cheap, legal psychedelic drugs. It's not a coincidence that psychedelic rock and space rock are basically the same thing: space travel is a metaphor for mind travel that might be only a few decades away. (Not that this will bring utopia, but it should at least give us more interesting problems.)

December 23. http://ranprieur.com/#15bfb21c8247d7874fd6a2521956994fc4a55675 2016-12-23T12:47:33Z December 23. I'm just going to post music and take the rest of the week off. First as always for Christmas, The Abominable O Holy Night. The singer is Steve Mauldin, an experienced music producer with good vocal control, who let loose one night and intentionally made every mistake he had ever heard bad singers make.

The very best creative work has a primal magic that's strangely easier to unlock by trying to be bad than trying to be good. I think it's about letting go and being a channel for something you can't control or understand, and it comes down to the same thing as my comment last week that utopia has to be a little bit slum-like. Anyway, two other examples of terrible-beautiful music: Orebros Kommunala Musikskola - Also Sprach Zarathusthra, and Greensleeves on otamatone, a crazy Japanese electronic instrument that might not count as bad music because it's really hard to hit the notes.

Back to the holiday, we've been listening to a nice jazz album, The Ramsey Lewis Trio - Sound Of Christmas. It was my mom's second favorite Christmas album after Willie Nelson's Pretty Paper.

And Leigh Ann's favorite Christmas song is The Harmony Grits - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, an inspired arrangement with powerful vocals by Gerhart Thrasher.

December 21. http://ranprieur.com/#cccdd12d799b2474a13739c0e3682935f9bc3e85 2016-12-21T12:36:57Z December 21. Unrelated links. From the Shower Thoughts subreddit: In sci-fi, future people eat bland, colorless paste containing all necessary nutrients. In reality, we eat brightly colored foods with intense flavors and no nutrition. There's no need to click the link because all the comments are lame, but my comment is "Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump".

Helsinki Bus Station Theory is a short column with a good metaphor for creativity: it's not something you should expect to happen right away, but something that emerges after years of doing stuff that seems unoriginal.

The mystery of tetrachromacy: If 12% of women have four cone types in their eyes, why do so few of them actually see more colours? I was hoping it was because color vision is cultural and they didn't know they could see more colors. But it looks like the answer is boring: the fourth cone type often sees the same thing as one of the other three cone types. Okay then, if it's physical and not cultural, then biotech needs to get working so I can have seven-cone retinal implants.

December 18. http://ranprieur.com/#74d9452b1cb48077c0bc847ff76c6ddf1569faa2 2016-12-18T12:09:22Z December 18. This week has been like a vacation: I'm not going anywhere because of the snow, my sleep schedule is all over the place, and while everyone else is watching the new Star Wars, I've been playing the newest version of Starsector.

Thanks Doug for sending this great interview about a new book, Mystery School in Hyperspace: A Cultural History of DMT. I have yet to use any psychedelic in a big enough dose to trip, but I poked around Erowid and looked at some DMT trip reports, and here's an excerpt from a report called The Elven Antics Annex:

They are elves/not-elves. They don't appear, they kind of ooze out of the woodwork seductively and before you know it they're there... They make Faberge egg concoctions with ingredient lists like: 1) space, 2) lust, 3) politics, 4) circus sideshows, 5) time, 6) gall bladders, 7) existential notions of polyfidelity, 8) cucumbers, 9) Beethoven's 5th symphony, 10) the smell of petunias, and so on. This is somewhat of an arbitrary list, but the point is, all my categories of mind fell away because they were being ceaselessly synthesized and re-synthesized... What you do with these elves is some sort of a game of catch, only the physics of the game has been replaced by the physics of synesthesia... Being there I came to understand the Heraclitus fragment: 'The Aeon is a child at play with colored balls'. It is this. As well I understand, 'Still the first day, All Fool's Day, here at the center.'
