Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/#9a417fe513f58988c3b5b1e84cfc57397194a79b 2014-02-01T12:03:44Z Ran Prieur http://ranprieur.com/ ranprieur@gmail.com February 1. http://ranprieur.com/#f036457f53be1dec68e612a56dc15b14536b349a 2014-02-01T12:03:38Z February 1. So the Superbowl is tomorrow, and it's strangely related to yesterday's post about "building the alternative that the centre has to contend with." That's what the Seahawks are doing, except what they're challenging is not the NFL control system, but the usual NFL team culture. Here's an article from the beginning of the season, The Seahawks believe their kinder, gentler philosophy is the future of football, describing how they use meditation, positive reinforcement, staff psychologists, and cutting edge technology to maximize everyone's mental and physical health. This article from last week is about how much fun the practices are, calling the Seahawks "the Google of football." And in a recent survey where players were asked which head coach they would most like to play for, Seattle coach Pete Carroll was the overwhelming winner. Of course this can all be dismissed if they don't win, but the more they win, the more other teams will want to follow the same path.

American football has been described as "chess with giants". Here's a mind-blowing reddit comment about communication before the snap, in which the offense and defense go back and forth making high-speed and extremely complex adjustments. Denver is in the Superbowl because their quarterback Peyton Manning is the best in the game at this. This is the first Superbowl where the top offense (in both points and yards) has faced the top defense. Seattle defensive back Richard Sherman is famous for his trash talk, but he's also the best pass interceptor in the NFL. Here's a great video, Richard Sherman - Student of the Game, about how he meticulously studies film and tricks quarterbacks into throwing interceptions. And an article with animated gifs, An illustrated guide to playing cornerback with Richard Sherman. Somewhere I read a quote from Sherman about how he likes to get inside the heads of quarterbacks, but he can't do it with Peyton Manning because you just get lost in there.

This game was supposed to be interesting because of the potential for extreme winter weather, but it looks like NYC will be a balmy 48 degrees tomorrow. The other big factor is Seattle wide receiver Percy Harvin. He's an incredible athlete but very delicate, so he'll probably leave early with an injury, but if he plays the whole game he'll be MVP.

January 30. http://ranprieur.com/#12706da6a6586dc5f8655557611cc67f1864dca1 2014-01-30T12:55:53Z January 30. Stray links. First, a great reddit comment by Erinaceous on how to change the system. You should read the whole thing but here's a condensed excerpt:

Resistance only defines the edge of the system. It might be important to define that limit but it's just the limit. And the social limit is a hard place to be. What defines the centre is the institutions, the permanent effective networks that are space filling and area preserving. More interesting though is that the control points in these hierarchical systems are not the centres. They are lower down. It's the sales guy who moves between the management and branches and talks to all the people on the shop floor. It's the minor bureaucrat who actually makes the government run. It could be the bottom up institutions that people know to go to because they are so much more effective than the government services that are constantly cut back and falling apart. The ones that make them less dependent and more capable of being fully realized people. The institutions that are working to put themselves out of job instead of trying to maintain their power. So taking the centre is not really the strategy either. It's building the alternative that the centre has to contend with.

In case you missed it, Cannabis during pregnancy endangers fetal brain development. I've also seen studies about mild brain damage if you use it as a teenager. Still no evidence that it's bad for adults, and I'm looking forward to buying it legally in a few months.

And a reader sends this good news link, School ditches rules and loses bullies.

January 28. http://ranprieur.com/#904288d1150fc28d386ba6fc3490d13a6b4f0ac2 2014-01-28T12:28:54Z January 28. Obama is giving a State of the Union speech tonight, and I'm wondering: how bad would things have to get for a president to stand up and say that the state of the union is bad or weak or desperate or anything negative?

Related: a video from last summer, Candidate Obama debates President Obama on Government Surveillance. Anyone who thinks Obama was secretly evil all along must be autistic, because if you have any ability to read people, it's obvious that candidate Obama believes what he's saying and president Obama does not. I continue to believe that Obama came into the presidency with good character, good intentions, and high competence; and this is not an idealistic position -- it's the most cynical position possible, because it means it doesn't matter who's president. The presidential race is a giant distraction, channeling the energy and attention of millions of people out into a ditch somewhere, because on the important issues the president is a figurehead and the system is completely locked down. Sure, if Elizabeth Warren runs in 2016 or 2020 I'll vote for her and feel good if she wins, but I won't expect it to make any more difference than the winner of the Superbowl. The good news is, economic inequality is getting so ridiculous that even corporations and the elite are starting to see the need for wealth redistribution. So I think that's going to happen eventually no matter who is president.

By the way, if anyone is curious about jury duty, here's the story. They sent me a summons a month ago, I had to go online and fill out a form, and then I had to check in at the courthouse by 8:30 Monday morning. There were about 160 of us in a big room. I know because they did roll calls for five groups of 30-35. After an orientation, they called up the first two groups, gave them badges, and sent them to court. Then they called names for the other three groups, sent the fifth group home because the defendant didn't show up ("he's in a lot of trouble") and told the third and fourth groups that we wouldn't be needed until 1:30. I was the only person there who came by bicycle. I rode home for lunch, came back, and they called the third group again and sent them to court. After about 20 minutes, they told us in the fourth group that the case had "gone to bench", which means the judge decides instead of a jury, and they sent us home. We all have to continue to check in every evening to see if we have to come in the next day, until our two week term is up. In this state employers are required by law to give you time off for jury duty, but they're not required to pay you, and the state pays $10 a day. Here's a comparison of the American and European jury systems, arguing that the European system of paid professional jurors is better. I'm not going to waste my time forming an opinion until there is a serious proposal to change it.

January 26. http://ranprieur.com/#9a02abe80cc0baace354c563f002e1daae81e145 2014-01-26T12:04:25Z January 26. Tomorrow I have jury duty and might be offline all day, so I'm doing a Sunday post. My big project yesterday was completely rewriting my books page to reflect my current interests and views, instead of the ones I had ten years ago.

Also, this morning I read this mostly evil NYT article, What Drives Success?, co-written by that awful "tiger mom" woman. It identifies three personality traits that lead to "success" and talks about how they arise from culture, but it's evil because of the framing, taking for granted that "success" is a good thing that we should all want. Here's a comment I made on reddit:

I'm not sure that what they call "success" is a good thing. At least they admit (about 2/3 of the way down) that these three personality traits are not all good. But do we want to live in a society where the rules are set up so that people with these traits have vastly more wealth and influence than people who don't? Do these traits lead people to use their wealth and power in a good way once they have it?

Would it be a better world if we could somehow set it up so that the wisest or most generous people had the most wealth and power, instead of the most narcissistic, insecure, and self-controlled people?

And whoever is most "successful", we should ask how much of this success is zero-sum. For example, if I make lifestyle changes to improve my health, it doesn't require someone else to be sicker. But with wealth and power, success often requires someone else's failure. I'd rather live in a society that guarantees happy and comfortable lives to everyone, than one that condemns people to poverty for having the wrong personality.

Loosely related, a new video/article from the Onion: Laid-Off Man Finally Achieves Perfect Work-Life Balance.

January 24. http://ranprieur.com/#1753fbb36232d110a9dfb2cd43eb55e31f71afcc 2014-01-24T12:13:24Z January 24. Some happy stuff for the weekend. India's forest man is about a guy who spent decades singlehandedly planting a 550 hectare forest. That's more than two square miles.

Legal Pot: The Gateway Drug to State-Run Banking? Basically state-run banking is better for everyone because the money gets recycled inside the state instead of being sucked into the giant global pool of money that seeks only to grow itself at the expense of almost every actual person. And an unintended consequence of cannabis legalization is that states will be forced to set up their own banks because federal laws prohibit the big banks from handling pot money.

Finally, some music! My latest favorite band is a Connecticut duo called Have A Nice Life. (Thanks Leigh Ann for finding them on the postpunk subreddit.) Their sound includes elements of shoegaze, ambient, post-rock, and drone. Here's a link where you can listen to their upcoming album The Unnatural World. (Go to the upper left and hit "toggle track list".) The first song, "Guggenheim Wax", sounds exactly like Built To Spill put through a doom filter. And here's their entire first album, Deathconsciousness on YouTube.

January 22. http://ranprieur.com/#49084c79f4b6694a256bc5de5cbb00a1aadb2d02 2014-01-22T12:28:30Z January 22. Today, some criticisms of modern life that you probably already know. First, George Monbiot rants about freedom and consumerism. He never says exactly what freedoms he supports, but this bit is great:

Had our ancestors been asked to predict what would happen in an age of widespread prosperity in which most religious and cultural proscriptions had lost their power, how many would have guessed that our favourite activities would not be fiery political meetings, masked orgies, philosophical debates, hunting wild boar or surfing monstrous waves, but shopping and watching other people pretending to enjoy themselves? ... Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chainstores.

Hunter Gatherers vs 21st Century Desk-sitters. Basically we spend too many hours under stress and sitting down.

Reddit comment on automation and unemployment. Automation is making more jobs unnecessary, the economic benefits are being sucked to the top of the pyramid, and our obsolete agricultural-age work ethic is preventing us from seeing the obvious solution: pay people to do nothing.

For the Love of Money is a confession by a former seven-figure-income hedge-fund trader. It's no surprise that all those people are addicted to making money. More generally, I would say that any human, in any position of power, will be tempted to narrow their consciousness to compulsively chase rewards that are harmful to society as a whole. I see only two ways out: everyone is enlightened enough to resist that temptation, or no one is in a position of power.

January 20. http://ranprieur.com/#cef8e9fe83d6949e466ff8bfc1cb7cea6e7d0ae0 2014-01-20T12:11:24Z January 20. By popular demand I'll mention David Holmgren's new article, "Crash On Demand." Here's a pdf link, and here's a long summary and analysis by Nicole Foss, and a more concise analysis by Dmitry Orlov.

Orlov's post includes a chart by Albert Bates that puts doomer writers on a grid, and here's a subreddit post wondering where I would be. I posted a comment explaining why I disagree with the whole framework of the chart. If I made my own chart, I would have one axis for tech crash vs no tech crash, another axis for pessimist vs optimist, and two different charts for what the writers want and what they predict if everyone doesn't do what they say.

So Derrick Jensen would be a low-tech optimist on the first chart and a low-tech pessimist on the second, because he believes in an inevitable and permanent hard crash that will be worse if the earth is dead. Al Gore would be a high-tech optimist on the first chart and a low-tech pessimist on the second, because he thinks climate change will crash our wonderful world but we can stop it. Ray Kurzweil would be a high tech optimist on both charts, because he believes techno-utopia is unstoppable. John Michael Greer would be low-tech, balanced between optimist and pessimist, and the same on both charts because he knows we can only change our local environment and not the world.

Ten years ago I was a low-tech optimist. Now I would be high-tech and balanced between optimist and pessimist. Energy decline and climate change will cause decades of global poverty, there will be violent political upheaval in the weakest systems, but technology will keep grinding on, especially information technology. The good news is, hardly anyone in the first world will starve to death, and entertainment will be better than ever.

January 17. http://ranprieur.com/#d89a7082201bb653a604ac03b2f14b77c11b47ff 2014-01-17T12:45:07Z January 17. The new Edge.org question is out. Every year they ask a bunch of supposedly smart people one question, and this year it's "What scientific idea is ready for retirement?" I've just spent hours skimming them, and I've never seen an Edge question with so many lame answers. Maybe it's because it asks people what they're against and not what they're for. I like the answer by Ian McEwan, "Beware of arrogance! Retire nothing!"

There are some answers that are unsurprising but at least I agree with them. Alex Pentland in "The Rational Individual" and Margaret Levi in "Homo Economicus" argue against viewing the world in terms of rational individuals.

Hans Ulrich Obrist in "Unlimited and Eternal Growth" and Cesar Hidalgo in "Economic Growth" argue that these cultural myths are now obsolete. I like Hidalgo's idea that the age of growth is neither eternal nor a dead end, but a phase transition.

Luca De Biase in "The Tragedy Of The Commons" explains how Elinor Ostrom (unlike Garret Hardin) looked at actual commons (commonses?) and found many systems throughout history that have managed a commons for the good of all without depleting it.

Sherry Turkle in "Robot Companions" and Roger Schank in "Artificial Intelligence" argue that we should stop expecting robots and computers to replace humans or think like humans. Shank writes, "the name AI made outsiders to AI imagine goals for AI that AI never had."

Back to science, Max Tegmark argues that we should stop using the concept of infinity, and Martin Rees hesitantly suggests the obvious: "maybe some aspects of reality are intrinsically beyond us, in that their comprehension would require some post-human intellect -- just as Euclidean geometry is beyond non-human primates."

If I got to answer this question, I would write about objective truth, the idea that "there is" one reality "out there" on which all observers must eventually agree. This is a useful shortcut for everyday life, but careful scientists and philosophers should never talk about truth, only experience. I think we should expect different perspectives to have inconsistent experience, and consistency is something that emerges (imperfectly) when multiple experiencing perspectives 1) want to share the same universe, and 2) compare notes.

One answer is close to this, Amanda Gefter on "*The* Universe". First she mentions "horizon complementarity", where physicists resolve a black hole paradox by imagining the inside and outside of a black hole as different universes. Then she takes it farther, "to restrict our descriptions not merely to spacetime regions separated by horizons, but to the reference frames of individual observers, wherever they are. As if each observer has his or her own universe."

January 15. http://ranprieur.com/#890e2f74949a7986e44870956dbfb5ced1100778 2014-01-15T12:32:52Z January 15. Today, some smart links about technology. A reader sends this page of 2013 links by Bret Victor. It's all over the map and I'm not going to try to summarize it, but here are the final two paragraphs:

Think about modeling phenomena, modeling situations, simulating models, gaining a common-sense intuition for nonlinear dynamic processes. Then think about a society in which every educated person does these things, in the computational medium, as easily and naturally as we today read and write complex logical arguments in the written medium.

Reading used to be reserved for the clergy, to hand down unquestionable Revealed Truths to the masses. Today, it's just what everyone does. Think about a society in which science is not reserved for the clergy, to hand down unquestionable Revealed Truths to the masses, but is just what everyone does.

Next, from a post on the Dark Futurology subreddit I learned about philosopher Nick Land, whose writing is almost incomprehensible. From Meltdown:

Capital-history's machinic spine is coded, axiomatized, and diagrammed, by a disequilibrium technoscience of irreversible, indeterministic, and increasingly nonlinear processes, associated sucessively with thermotechnics, signaletics, cybernetics, complex systems dynamics, and artificial life. Modernity marks itself out as hot culture, captured by a spiralling involvement with entropy deviations camouflaging an invasion from the future, launched back out of terminated security against everything that inhibits the meltdown process.

If I read his stuff carefully, I think he's actually saying something, but he's deliberately making it hard to read, and if he made it easy to read it would be easier to see where he's wrong.

And a techno-design movie review, Why Her Will Dominate UI Design Even More Than Minority Report. The idea is, instead of technology being all in your face, it will "fade into the background" and the world will look superfically low-tech.

January 13, 2014. http://ranprieur.com/#4ec0da0339a01e3aa282e2aee849238058fb340f 2014-01-13T12:00:19Z January 13, 2014. Some future predictions while the new year is fresh. The other day I got an email from a reader who recently graduated from high school, asking for advice in these difficult times. Ten years ago I would have said to get some land and learn low-tech skills like foraging and metalworking. Now I'd say the best skills are meta-skills like mindfulness and quickly noticing opportunities, and you should only go low-tech if you love it so much that you don't care if it's impractical.

I'm embarrassed that I ever predicted a technological crash, because the arguments are so hand-wavy. Instead, I expect artificial intelligence and biotech to spice up a decades-long economic depression as the global system muddles through climate change and the end of nonrenewable resources. Low quality manufactured items and industrial food will remain affordable, but good food, transportation, and services from actual humans will be more expensive. I think the best place to live is in a small house with a big yard in a city with a seaport or railroad hub. You want to be close to the supply lines, but have enough land to grow luxury foods like blueberries and really good tomatoes. As you move farther into the country, the money you save by growing more of your own food will be dwarfed by the money you spend on transportation and shipping. Total self-sufficiency would be a good thing to write a novel about.

My generation was the first in American history to be poorer than our parents. Now the Millennials are poorer than us, and this trend will continue until the global infrastructure adapts to feed from a growing base of renewable resources, maybe around 2060. Meanwhile, if you can stay out of debt and find a low-stress job to build up savings, you'll be relatively well off. "Debt" is exactly as real as we believe it is. Mostly it's a trick to make people feel ashamed that they have no political power. Not that it would work any better if we felt angry. The system is totally locked down, and the most revolutionary political change of the 21st century, the unconditional basic income, will be necessary to keep the system stable, to turn the unemployed majority from hungry militants back into consumers.

Technology will promise revolution, but in practice ninety percent of the new powers will be used to keep the remaining ten percent from doing anything dangerous. By the year 2200 there will be no poverty, no disease, and no opportunity for anyone to make a difference, except by more quickly closing off the opportunity for anyone to make a difference. Reasonable people will know that they're better off than us, but still fantasize about living in our time. Suicide will be the leading cause of death, and by 2300, any death not from suicide will be global news. By 3000 we will either be extinct or moved to another level of reality through some technology of consciousness that would seem completely loony if you described it today. Related: a clever image of reddit in the early 3000's.

January 10. http://ranprieur.com/#aa00ea131d167787170eb3e0ae08a6a0b1927474 2014-01-10T12:20:00Z January 10. For the weekend, some dark humor from the Onion: It's Not Too Late To Reverse The Alarming Trend Of Climate Change, Scientists Who Know It's Too Late Announce.

And a pretty song, Galaxie 500 - Blue Thunder.

January 8. http://ranprieur.com/#f5a2208ab5309c0abe15335b8af08ba671a83b69 2014-01-08T12:30:41Z January 8. Bunch o' links. On reddit, Erinaceous comments on spirituality and permaculture. Basically, reductionist science is great for simple systems, but as systems get more complex and include conscious actors, we might get better results with a style of thinking that is more intuitive and "magical".

Another good reddit comment on why capitalism is not voluntary: "People only sell their labor power at a profit for capitalists because they are divorced from their own means of production (a situation that required a lot of violence and state monopoly to create)."

Neurologist says ADHD does not exist. This does not surprise me. The idea is that ADHD describes a cluster of symptoms that can have all kinds of different causes, and prescribing stimulants just covers up the deeper problems.

Nice article-length biography of Edward Snowden, but I still don't see what made him different from hundreds of other computer spooks with similar cultural backgrounds, who have not risked their lives to expose the secrets of the powerful.

And this article could be fluff, but it sounds like a great idea: Zappos gets rid of managers.

January 6. http://ranprieur.com/#1444da8867ce24ebdfe33a8b46f28754d2f5d6de 2014-01-06T12:24:18Z January 6. Today, the future. Just discovered this great subreddit, Dark Futurology. "Automation, natural limits, and new inequalities will be the gamechangers of the 21st century."

An Artist Imagines the Techno-Evolved Creatures of the Future, "based loosely on current research on synthetic biology and genetic engineering." Whether this is utopian or dystopian depends on unintended consequences. Has someone invented a word, "something-topian", for when technology makes the world so crazy that it doesn't even make sense to ask if it's good or bad?

Emoya Estate: The Luxury Shanty Town In South Africa Offering 'Poverty Porn' For The Rich. For now this is about the rich, but suppose we recover from the ecological and economic catastrophes of the 21st century, and in one or two hundred years, everyone in the world is as safe and comfortable as the rich are now (but much less powerful). It might be normal to live in an "exotic hybrid of opulent luxury and extreme deprivation." Everyone wants to feel that their life is meaningful without taking real risks, but I'm not sure this is possible.

January 3, 2014. http://ranprieur.com/#58b0aec3b70396fbd37d1d51b7c7b50ce1fad9fe 2014-01-03T12:39:38Z January 3, 2014. For the new year, some personal stuff. I'm always trying to move away from blogging so I can work on other projects, but it's very difficult for me to not blog, so I'll probably continue to do three posts a week and mostly avoid writing personal opinions that incite disagreements over email.

Leigh Ann has got me into college football, and I love it! No other sport has so much potential for shocking plays, and this has been the craziest bowl season ever. But I quit playing video games when I learned that Macaulay Culkin is 33 years old, because that means, in subjective time, that I'm going to die of old age in around seven minutes, and I can't afford to do anything that makes time seem to pass more quickly. If they ever event video games that seem to stretch out time, I'm back!

Cannabis seems to stretch out time, I can use it legally now, and later this year I'll be able to legally buy it. But I have to be really heavily stoned to enjoy it more than being sober, and I can't afford to use that much that often. Probably I'll settle into using it once a month. I've poked around online looking for ways to reset tolerance faster. Some people say that nothing works but time, but this page, Activating Cannabinoid Receptors, suggests that green tea can help, and also several essential oils including clove and lemon balm. We need more research on this important subject!

My bees in the backyard are still alive and have barely touched their massive honey stores. I think they're being a little too frugal and I hope they eat enough to survive until spring. Either way I'll have at least a gallon of honey.

I tried to sign up online for the new expanded medicaid, renamed Apple Health in my state, and kept getting an identity validation error, probably because I have no credit rating. Finally I borrowed a land line and spent almost an hour on the phone, and I'm in. As long as I keep my income below around $13k/yr, I can continue not paying into the medical system -- and probably not using it. I still think Obamacare is bad for the country, but it's good for me!

Finally, some music for the weekend, from an Italian electronic jazz duo: Satelliti - Transister.

December 31, late. http://ranprieur.com/#e294719c4266f366bbcbdc2fcc44d0470cf535e1 2014-12-31T12:25:05Z December 31, late. For the end of 2013, a massive purge of links that I hadn't got around to posting yet.

A reader sends this page about media for thinking the unthinkable. I didn't watch the videos but I like the idea that the right symbolic tools can greatly enhance our thinking. One example is how tinker-toy 3D models enabled Watson and Crick to imagine DNA as a double helix.

Great reddit comment about learning to see beauty in the mundane world (using the tool of cannabis).

One of my favorite redditors is Drooperdoo. He's fascinated by ancient human ethnicity, and I don't think he's racist but he does give the benefit of the doubt to whatever idea is most interesting. Here's his latest summary of human ancestry and interbreeding, and an argument that the Buddha was white.

Why I like something as dumb and meaningless as professional sports. I would add: politics are even dumber than sports, less transparent, much more rigged, and only slightly more meaningful. Also on the subject of sports, an argument for banning the helmet, because players would adjust by not tackling with their heads.

On my favorite political cause: Why we should give free money to everyone, and Moral Aspects of Basic Income.

Fun science article, A Universe Made of Tiny, Random Chunks. My only comment is: when will academic philosophy enter the 20th century? They're still taking determinism seriously when it's based on a Newtonian clockwork model of reality that has been overturned again and again by newer science.

Dave Eggers argues that NSA surveillance is going to get worse, and that it will mostly be used not to stop violence but to intimidate citizens who threaten the ruling powers.

According to a new study, the brain can't empathize and analyze at the same time. Before you think "empathize good analyze bad," consider that analysis can simulate empathy more easily than empathy can simulate analysis. Related: letter from a recovered psychopath.

Hope for healthcare is about an independent hospital with low and transparent pricing, that threatens to undermine the American medical cartel. Related, an article about independent commuter airlines: I flew on a plane without going through security. It was amazing and no one died.

Finally (coming back to DNA and the Buddha) a new study shows that mindfulness practice can cause molecular and genetic changes.

December 30. http://ranprieur.com/#14aa8dd61e147a36878c8047206251512d084ae5 2014-12-30T12:30:29Z December 30. Friday on the subreddit there was a thoughtful post about dropping out and how it can go wrong on the level of motivation. The main point is that some subcultures (for example primitivism) are ideological and moralistic, and following them can lead to spending years living how you think you should be living but finally you notice that you don't enjoy it. This reminds me of a famous inspirational quote that's worth repeating: "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Related: thanks Dena for sending this long blog post on Vaclav Havel and the Power of the Powerless. It starts with an example of a grocer in a totalitarian communist state, who is expected to put a "workers of the world unite" sign in the shop window, but the real message of the sign is: "authorities, I am obedient so don't crush me".

The next point is how surprisingly powerful it is if the grocer refuses to put the sign in the window. Havel's words:

He has shown everyone that it is possible to live within the truth. Living within the lie can constitute the system only if it is universal. The principle must embrace and permeate everything. There are no terms whatsoever on which it can co-exist with living within the truth, and therefore everyone who steps out of line denies it in principle and threatens it in its entirety.

Now the state must either ignore the example of living the truth, or crush it. But crushing it just drives it underground, where eventually it reaches a critical mass and drives sudden changes that seem to come out of nowhere: "The Prague Spring wasn't the birth of something promising that was then cut down, but the above-ground blooming of something that continues to flourish underground."

How can we apply these insights to America, or to global technological civilization in general? This is a hard question and I'm leaving it open. But I will suggest how to frame it. The question is not what the system forces us to do that we hate, but what we feel like we should be doing, and not doing it feels both dangerous and liberating.
