
Online communities based on my writing have always been started by other people rather than by me, and I'd prefer not to have any responsibility for them, or any power over them. The one that has been around the longest is the Ran Prieur Discussion Board on Some people think it has gone bad, and others think it's fine. If you have any complaints, I'm cursed with administrator power, so you'll have to ask me to make you a moderator. (I think all the original moderators have dropped out.) Then you can go in and try to fix it yourself, or you can always quit and start a new one somewhere, and I will happily link to it on this page.

In late Feburary 2010, a reader started another one, the ranprieur subreddit on To participate, you will first have to make a reddit account, which is easy. Also, reddit is a great source for news and ideas, but only if you make careful use of the subreddit system. Here's the reddit FAQ.