
a novel by Ran Prieur

Book 1 Chapter 4

Little boy lost,
he takes himself so seriously

- Bob Dylan, "Visions of Johanna"

Creative Commons License

The Control Manifesto

by Archibald Lind

All belief systems rest on untestable fundamental assumptions, and the basis of this document is that control is preferable to chaos. Chaos is not disorder; it is order without control. The obvious example of chaos -- possibly the only example -- is nature.

Imagine a seagull on a beach. It has no schedule to keep, no orders, no supervision; it can fly to any point on the beach at any moment; it does not have to pay a fee to eat a dead fish, or go through an application process, and the quantity of fish is not measured out. Yet seagulls have survived for millions of years, in collaboration with other uncontrolled organisms. Yet in all this time, what have they produced? What have they accomplished? A seagull produces nothing but a lot of bird poop, and at the end, a dead bird. In hundreds of millions of years, nature has done nothing but to keep circling around and getting messier.

Now imagine a worker in a factory. He works from 8 AM to 5 PM with an hour for lunch between 12 and 1, and one or two fifteen minute breaks. His activity must match the motions of the factory's machinery, his clothing and grooming are regulated, and his posture and working style and external attitude are controlled by supervisors. The only chaos left is the jumble of unregulated thoughts inside his head, and even this can be controlled with meditation practice.

And what does he produce? Possibly a component for a spacecraft to break the bounds of the earth, or a component for an artificial organ to make humans no longer dependent on nature. But this is only the beginning.

The fact that nature permitted control to emerge out of it, is evidence that chaos wants to be controlled. The fact that we are destroying nature proves that control is superior to chaos. "Environmentalists" who complain about toxins and species extinctions are misunderstanding the whole situation. There can be no middle ground. If chaos is preferable to control, we should go back to being animals, copulating in the green grass and eating roots and berries. If control is preferable to chaos, we must exterminate all biological life.

Biological life is inherently chaotic. This is why workers strike, why children disobey, why gardens get weedy. We could train seagulls in laboratories and put computer chips in their heads, to try to regulate where they fly and when, but it would be vastly inefficient. Better to kill them and replace them with, for example, remotely organized machines that harvest sand and process it into building materials.

The conflict between chaos and control is at the root of all politics, and our failure to understand this has made us confused. For example, it doesn't matter whether genetically engineered crops are safe, or whether they provide better nutrition. From either the perspective of chaos or control, these issues are distractions, or at best, excuses. The issue is whether farmers save and choose their own seeds, which is chaotic, or whether they must get them every year from a control structure. Nothing else matters.

Ecologists argue that human civilization is dependent on nature, but the real point is that it need not be, and that it should not be. For example, they argue that the easiest way to supply water to a city is by leaving a forested watershed untouched. But if control is preferable to chaos, this is unacceptable. The water must be provided by a purification plant and the forest must be developed. Yes, this is more "expensive," but the notion of "expense" as a negative is biased toward chaos. "Expensive" simply means "requiring more controlled activity," which is good. If it's easier to let the forest provide our water, there's no escaping the further conclusion that it's easier to not even build cities, to live in grass huts and drink from the streams and eat the fruit off trees. If we do not accept this lifestyle, if we prefer to sacrifice ease for progress, there's no escaping the further conclusion that we must replace all biological life with an alternative type of life that has the potential to be perfectly controlled and controlling: machine life.

Human civilization is a transition between biology/chaos and machine/control. For most of civilization we have had to keep our feet in both worlds and deceive ourselves about where we're really going, because our biological minds couldn't take it. But now we are approaching the end of that transition. With our accelerating progress in technology, we are nearing the advent of self-sustaining control-based machine life. So now, we at the vanguard of human civilization must be honest with ourselves.

Historically, the control paradigm has manifested as "conservatism," but that concept has baggage that we must now abandon. We do not oppose change, but favor the most radical change -- the progress of life beyond chaos and nature. We are not religious: the omnipotent sky father is an ideal metaphor for the control paradigm, but there's no evidence that it is real, and belief in its reality will make us too lazy for the real work of control which we must do ourselves. We are not individualists, except where individual selfishness feeds control structures -- as in the corporate world. We do favor corporations over governments because a government exists ostensibly to serve the people, while a corporation, by definition, exists solely to increase its own control, such increase being symbolically represented as "profit." We have no illusions of standing for freedom, democracy, or any government except pure top-down order and the "freedom" of the single most dominant system to dominate.

We may pretend to support vaguely-defined popular values to trick the public into obeying us, but we must be clear in our own minds about our goals: The extermination of nature, the extermination of humans, and the founding of a new control-based mode of life.

The strategy for achieving these goals is elegantly simple. First, we must divide humans into two classes: the ordinary people, who are fully dependent on nature for survival, and the elite, who are only slightly dependent on nature, because their advanced technologies will enable them to survive decades without it. Second, we must continue to channel the life of nature into the life of machines. And that's it! Nature will die, ordinary humans will die with it, and the elite humans will survive long enough to perfect control-based machine life, and then they too will die, and we will have given birth to a new world.

Archibald Lind, bioengineer, sat for the thousandth time reading the manifesto he had never shown to anyone. He had a strong impulse to take it with him to the meeting tonight, but he could see no rational reason to; nobody -- even there -- was ready to read it. He locked it in his desk drawer and exited his dark office.

Tonight was a special meeting of what they called their "conspiracy research group." Like every group that must act in secret, from the rulers of the world down to the lowest resistance cell, they were people who first knew and trusted each other socially. They were elite technicians and scientists, three or four levels below the top, high enough to know the projects and guess at the motivations.

In 20 years they would be working directly with the top level -- lacking family history they could never be at that level themselves, but they would serve as the brains for the inbred super-elite who knew what they wanted but not how to get it. Then these meetings would be necessary for coordination. Now they were practice, and fun.

Tonight there were five of them, sitting at a booth in a noisy DC bar, talking quietly. Arch drank carbonated water and mostly listened.

"So I saw on one of the conspiracy sites that there was no asteroid, that HAARP did it."

"Noooo... HAARP can't do something like that."

"So it really was an asteroid?"

"It was a Tesla weapon, same science as HAARP."

"Russia? Or us?"

"Us, of course. Why would Russia do it?"

"To weaken the US and Japan."

"But time is on their side. We've got our backs to the wall. Anyway I know for a fact that we did it, from a base in Alaska."


They were all silent. Then the guy from the FEMA spoke. "To put the west coast under martial law."

"Is that a guess, or do you know?"

"I've seen the plans. We've had them for months. Ten command centers and we're going to have the entire west coast quarantined, with roadblocks and a no-go zone--"

Arch gasped. "Quarantined!"


"The bio-agent we've been working on. The instructions were that it be based on seagull pox. We finished testing Friday."

"A plague! That's hard core."

"Makes sense though."

"Totally. All the west coast liberals, factor them out."

"It's not enough," Arch said.


"I mean, tactically, there should be the additional element of blaming it on someone we can go to war with, or at least someone for the people to hate. That's all that's holding this country together."

"I thought I was cynical."

"You said it yourself," Arch said. "Our backs are to the wall. The only way we can keep going is to escalate. And even with that we can only go a few more years."

"You want to bet on that?"

"I already have. I've put half my savings into foreign currency, mostly Chinese, and I'm learning the language."

"What, you're going to defect?"

"That's not it at all. What I do, what we do, is bigger than some country. The USA is just a tool, a focus. When it no longer serves... Look, suppose America went nuts and the Green party took over, and they had you doing antitrust investigations, and you turning tanks into art sculptures, and me bringing back the dodo bird. And some other country was totally bad-ass and wanted us to emigrate. We'd all do it in a second."

Nobody said anything. Then one of them said, to the FEMA guy, "Does your martial law plan have an unusual emphasis on the atomic threat?"

"That's not unusual. There is the threat of atomic..." He paused.


They all laughed.

"Sorry. You're right."

"I ask because I've heard rumors of a program building primitive atomic bombs into SUV's."

"How many?"

"Don't know. Not a lot."

Arch said, "How many of your ten command centers are near the centers of large cities?"

He thought. "None of them."

"We have a winner."

"They'll probably blame it on North Korea. I mean, ideally, we'd get North Korea to really nuke us."

"Are you kidding? That would be unpredictable."

"Oh, right, of course."

"So then we've got a reason to take North Korea, and that gives us leverage against China."

"Or in any case, it unifies the people."

"And pacifies them. This is going to make September 11th look like some kids lighting a firecracker."

"By the way, who was behind nine eleven?"

They all laughed for a long time.


Back in Archibald Lind's dark office, three men with tiny flashlights and skilled gloved hands were looking through his desk and file cabinets.

"Look at this," one of them said quietly, shining his light on several books about learning Chinese.

Over at the desk, one of them said "Look at this." He had the manifesto. They all came over to look.

"We've got our man."
next chapter
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